How to Check Whether the Given Object Is Object or Array in Json String

How to check whether the given object is object or Array in JSON string

JSON objects and arrays are instances of JSONObject and JSONArray, respectively. Add to that the fact that JSONObject has a get method that will return you an object you can check the type of yourself without worrying about ClassCastExceptions, and there ya go.

if (!json.isNull("URL"))
// Note, not `getJSONArray` or any of that.
// This will give us whatever's at "URL", regardless of its type.
Object item = json.get("URL");

// `instanceof` tells us whether the object can be cast to a specific type
if (item instanceof JSONArray)
// it's an array
JSONArray urlArray = (JSONArray) item;
// do all kinds of JSONArray'ish things with urlArray
// if you know it's either an array or an object, then it's an object
JSONObject urlObject = (JSONObject) item;
// do objecty stuff with urlObject
// URL is null/undefined
// oh noes

Determine whether JSON is a JSONObject or JSONArray

I found better way to determine:

String data = "{ ... }";
Object json = new JSONTokener(data).nextValue();
if (json instanceof JSONObject)
//you have an object
else if (json instanceof JSONArray)
//you have an array

tokenizer is able to return more types:

How to check if it is a JsonArray or JsonObject in Javascript

You can use Array.isArray to check if it is array:

if (Array.isArray(json['amazon'])) {
// It is array

and you can check if type of object is object to determine if it is an object. Please refer, for example, this answer for the reason why check for null is separate:

if (json['flipkart'] !== null && typeof (json['flipkart']) === 'object') {
// It is object

Determine if Json results is object or array

Using Json.NET, you could do this:

string content = File.ReadAllText(path);
var token = JToken.Parse(content);

if (token is JArray)
IEnumerable<Phone> phones = token.ToObject<List<Phone>>();
else if (token is JObject)
Phone phone = token.ToObject<Phone>();

How to check if the JSON Object array contains the value defined in an arrary or not?

Try the following:

var categories = [    {catValue:1, catName: 'Arts, crafts, and collectibles'},    {catValue:2, catName: 'Baby'},    {catValue:3, catName: 'Beauty and fragrances'},    {catValue:4, catName: 'Books and magazines'},    {catValue:5, catName: 'Business to business'},    {catValue:6, catName: 'Clothing, accessories, and shoes'},    {catValue:7, catName: 'Antiques'},    {catValue:8, catName: 'Art and craft supplies'},    {catValue:9, catName: 'Art dealers and galleries'},    {catValue:10, catName: 'Camera and photographic supplies'},    {catValue:11, catName: 'Digital art'},    {catValue:12, catName: 'Memorabilia'}];
var categoriesJson = JSON.stringify(categories);var mainCat = ['Arts, crafts, and collectibles', 'Baby' , 'Antiques']
$.each(JSON.parse(categoriesJson) , function (key, value) { if(mainCat.indexOf(value.catName) > -1){ console.log('Exists: ' +value.catName) } else{ console.log('Does not exists: ' +value.catName) }});
<script src=""></script>

Test if it is JSONObject or JSONArray

Something like this should do it:

JSONObject json;
Object intervention;
JSONArray interventionJsonArray;
JSONObject interventionObject;

json = RestManager.getJSONfromURL(myuri); // retrieve the entire json stream
Object intervention = json.get("intervention");
if (intervention instanceof JSONArray) {
// It's an array
interventionJsonArray = (JSONArray)intervention;
else if (intervention instanceof JSONObject) {
// It's an object
interventionObject = (JSONObject)intervention;
else {
// It's something else, like a string or number

This has the advantage of getting the property value from the main JSONObject just once. Since getting the property value involves walking a hash tree or similar, that's useful for performance (for what it's worth).

How to tell if return is JSONObject or JSONArray with JSON-simple (Java)?

Simple Java:

Object obj = new JSONParser().parse(result); 
if (obj instanceof JSONObject) {
JSONObject jo = (JSONObject) obj;
} else {
JSONArray ja = (JSONArray) obj;

You could also test if the (purported) JSON starts with a [ or a { if you wanted to avoid the overhead of parsing the wrong kind of JSON. But be careful with leading whitespace.

Check if JSON is Object or Array

How to check if JavaScript object is JSON

I'd check the constructor attribute.


var stringConstructor = "test".constructor;
var arrayConstructor = [].constructor;
var objectConstructor = ({}).constructor;

function whatIsIt(object) {
if (object === null) {
return "null";
if (object === undefined) {
return "undefined";
if (object.constructor === stringConstructor) {
return "String";
if (object.constructor === arrayConstructor) {
return "Array";
if (object.constructor === objectConstructor) {
return "Object";
return "don't know";

var testSubjects = ["string", [1,2,3], {foo: "bar"}, 4];

for (var i=0, len = testSubjects.length; i < len; i++) {

Edit: Added a null check and an undefined check.

Check whether a value exists in JSON object

var JSON = [{"name":"cat"}, {"name":"dog"}];

The JSON variable refers to an array of object with one property called "name".
I don't know of the best way but this is what I do?

var hasMatch =false;

for (var index = 0; index < JSON.length; ++index) {

var animal = JSON[index];

if(animal.Name == "dog"){
hasMatch = true;

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