How to Get the Ip of the Wifi Hotspot in Android

Android get IP-Address of a hotspot providing device

You're almost right, the default IP address of hotspot is (If device maker didn't change.)

You can check the source code of Android framework (AOSP).


In the,

private static final String USB_NEAR_IFACE_ADDR      = "";
private static final int USB_PREFIX_LENGTH = 24;

// USB is and
// Wifi is and
// BT is limited to max default of 5 connections. to
// with

private String[] mDhcpRange;
private static final String[] DHCP_DEFAULT_RANGE = {
"", "", "", "",
"", "", "", "",
"", "", "", "",
"", "",

Also, in the

private boolean startTethering(ArrayList<String> available) {                                 

boolean wifiAvailable = false;


String[] wifiRegexs = mCm.getTetherableWifiRegexs();

for (String intf : available) {
for (String regex : wifiRegexs) {
if (intf.matches(regex)) {

InterfaceConfiguration ifcg = null;
try {
ifcg = mNwService.getInterfaceConfig(intf);
if (ifcg != null) {
/* IP/netmask: */
ifcg.setLinkAddress(new LinkAddress(
NetworkUtils.numericToInetAddress(""), 24));

mNwService.setInterfaceConfig(intf, ifcg);
} catch (Exception e) {
loge("Error configuring interface " + intf + ", :" + e);
return false;

if(mCm.tether(intf) != ConnectivityManager.TETHER_ERROR_NO_ERROR) {
loge("Error tethering on " + intf);
return false;
mTetherInterfaceName = intf;
return true;
// We found no interfaces to tether
return false;

Therefore, the default value is .

Android - get the ip of my hotspot host

Determine the ip of the gateway. Programmatically getting the gateway and subnet mask details. Use the WifiManager.getDhcpInfo().gateway

Android Find the device's ip address when it's hosting a hotspot

I recently figured out that the WifiAP ip address is hardcoded in Android. Unless a user has changed this value manually (I think that is very uncommon) using the hardcoded value is absolutely sufficient. I think this is the best way to go. The IP address is "" :

Get IP from wifi hotspot in android

Not all WiFi access points even have IP addresses! It is not a requirement. It runs on a different layer.

That being said, you can use reverse-ARP on the wireless MAC of the AP to get its IP address, if it has one. Also note that this IP is sometimes different than the wired interface.

For home all-in-one wireless routers, you can also check whatever DHCP assigns as a gateway address, but again, this doesn't have a direct correlation to the access point.

Getting the IP Address of an Android Device using it's hotspot from another android device

try {
for (Enumeration<NetworkInterface> en = NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces(); en.hasMoreElements();)
NetworkInterface intf = en.nextElement();
for (Enumeration<InetAddress> enumIpAddr = intf.getInetAddresses();enumIpAddr.hasMoreElements();)
InetAddress inetAddress = enumIpAddr.nextElement();
if (!inetAddress.isLoopbackAddress())
return inetAddress.getHostAddress().toString();

catch (SocketException ex)
Log.e("ServerActivity", ex.toString());

When connecting to a wireless hotspot provided by someone on a 3/4G network, does your device get an IP address?

Say a person is providing a wireless hotspot to me as I have no
internet, when I access the internet what is my IP address set as?

When a person connects to a wireless hotspot, two IP addresses are set i.e. a Private IP address and a Public IP address. The wireless hotspot automatically allots the requesting device a Private IP address from a range of available IP addresses which is unique to that device. The device then connects to the internet via a Public IP address.

To break this down, when you turn on Mobile Hotspot, your phone's WiFi adapter turns on the router mode. Now the IP address is assigned by the wifi adapter running in router mode. In stock Android devices the default IP of your phone will become and subnet mask of However, this might change.

How can you find out the IP address of your device when on a hotspot?

In Windows, use ipconfig in cmd. Look for Default Gateway under your network adapter for your router's IP address. Look for IPv4 Address under the same adapter section to find your computer's IP address. Replace ipconfig with ifconfig in linux.

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