Java to C++ Convert Code

How to convert this segment of Java code to C++?

The simplest translation would be to use std::ifstream, eg:

#include <fstream>

std::ifstream input("CScourses.txt");
std::string courseNumM;

while (input >> courseNumM) {
// use courseNumM as needed...

Converting java code to c++

First thing, |= is a compound bitwise OR assignment. a |= b is equivalent to a = a | b, where each resulting bit will be set if either that bit in a or b is set (or both).

Here's a truth table that is applied to each bit:

a | b | result
0 | 0 | 0
0 | 1 | 1
1 | 0 | 1
1 | 1 | 1

Secondly, <<= is the same, but instead of a bitwise or, it's a bit shift to the left. ALl existing bits are moved left by that amount, and the right is padded with 0s.

101 << 1 == 1010
110 << 2 == 11000

final is the same as C++'s const by the variable definition. If, however, you want to prevent a function from being overriden, you may tag final onto the end of the function header if the function is also a virtual function (which it would need to be in order to be overriden in the first place). This only applies to C++11, though. Here's an example of what I mean.

Finally, >>> is called the unsigned right shift operator in Java. Normally, >> will shift the bits, but leave the leftmost bit intact as to preserve the sign of the number. Sometimes that might not be what you want. >>> will put a 0 there all the time, instead of assuming that the sign is important.

In C++, however, signed is an actuality that is part of the variable's type. If a variable is signed, >> will shift right as Java does, but if the variable is unsigned, it will act like the unsigned right shift (>>>) operator in Java. Hence, C++ has only the need for >>, as it can deduce which to do.

Convert java code that returns object with template into c++ using jni

After type erasure, Range#getLower will have declared type Comparable, regardless of what the type in the Java source was.

Try this instead:

jobject range = ...;
jclass cls_Range = env->GetObjectClass(range);
jmethodID mid_Range_getLower = env->GetMethodID(cls_Range, "getLower", "()Ljava/lang/Comparable;");

jobject lower = env->CallObjectMethod(range, mid_Range_getLower);
jclass cls_Integer = env->GetObjectClass(lower);
jmethodID mid_Integer_intVale = env->GetMethodID(cls_Integer, "intValue", "()I");
jint lowerInt = env->CallIntMethod(lower, mid_Integer_intValue);

Java to C# code converter

The below links might help:

  1. Microsoft Launches Java-to-C# Converter;
  2. Tangible Software Solutions inc..

Equivalent of LinkedList in Java to C++ code

arts is std::list<Articulacion*>, you are assigning std::list<Articulacion>(). The same for sensors and movimientos. You should not initialize these variables, this looks like initializing the default value with the default value.

arts = std::list<Articulacion>();
sensors = std::list<Sensor>();
movimientos = std::list<Movimiento>();

should be

RobotIndustrial() = default;

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