How to Parse JSON Array with Gson

How to Parse JSON Array with Gson

You can parse the JSONArray directly, don't need to wrap your Post class with PostEntity one more time and don't need new JSONObject().toString() either:

Gson gson = new Gson();
String jsonOutput = "Your JSON String";
Type listType = new TypeToken<List<Post>>(){}.getType();
List<Post> posts = gson.fromJson(jsonOutput, listType);

Hope that helps.

Java Gson parse Json object to array

TL;DR: See "Using Deserializer" section at the bottom for parsing straight to array.

That JSON does not contain any arrays. An array would use the [...] JSON syntax.

Normally, a JSON object would map to a POJO, with the name in the name/value pairs mapping to a field of the POJO.

However, a JSON object can also be mapped to a Map, which is especially useful when the names are dynamic, since POJO fields are static.

Using Map

The JSON object with numeric values as names can be mapped to a Map<Integer, ?>, e.g. to parse that JSON to POJOs, do it like this:

class Root {
public Map<Integer, Outer> outer;
public String toString() {
return "Root[outer=" + this.outer + "]";
class Outer {
public int attr1;
public int attr2;
public String toString() {
return "Outer[attr1=" + this.attr1 + ", attr2=" + this.attr2 + "]";


Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().create();
Root root;
try (BufferedReader in = Files.newBufferedReader(Paths.get("test.json"))) {
root = gson.fromJson(in, Root.class);


Root[outer={0=Outer[attr1=12345, attr2=67890], 1=Outer[attr1=54321, attr2=9876]}]

Get as Array

You can then add a helper method to the Root class to get that as an array:

public Outer[] getOuterAsArray() {
if (this.outer == null)
return null;
if (this.outer.isEmpty())
return new Outer[0];
int maxKey = this.outer.keySet().stream().mapToInt(Integer::intValue).max().getAsInt();
Outer[] arr = new Outer[maxKey + 1];
this.outer.forEach((k, v) -> arr[k] = v);
return arr;




[Outer[attr1=12345, attr2=67890], Outer[attr1=54321, attr2=9876]]

Using Deserializer

However, it would likely be more useful if the conversion to array is done while parsing, so you need to write a JsonDeserializer and tell Gson about it using @JsonAdapter:

class Root {
public Outer[] outer;

public String toString() {
return "Root[outer=" + Arrays.toString(this.outer) + "]";
class OuterArrayDeserializer implements JsonDeserializer<Outer[]> {
public Outer[] deserialize(JsonElement json, Type typeOfT, JsonDeserializationContext context) throws JsonParseException {
// Parse JSON array normally
if (json.isJsonArray())
return context.deserialize(json, Outer[].class);

// Parse JSON object using names as array indexes
JsonObject obj = json.getAsJsonObject();
if (obj.size() == 0)
return new Outer[0];
int maxKey = obj.keySet().stream().mapToInt(Integer::parseInt).max().getAsInt();
Outer[] arr = new Outer[maxKey + 1];
for (Entry<String, JsonElement> e : obj.entrySet())
arr[Integer.parseInt(e.getKey())] = context.deserialize(e.getValue(), Outer.class);
return arr;

Same Outer class and test code as above.


Root[outer=[Outer[attr1=12345, attr2=67890], Outer[attr1=54321, attr2=9876]]]

Using GSON to parse a JSON array and Object

I think ResultOsrm should hold list of Waypoint and class Waypoint will hold the data

public class ResultOsrm
public List<Waypoint> waypoints;

public class Waypoint
public int waypoint_index;
public int trips_index;
public String hint;
public String name;
public List<float> location;

waypoint_index is a variable in Waypoint, not a list by itself.

How to parse Json array of different objects with Gson?

I think there are lots of simmilar questions on SO. One, Two

One way to parse this is to use simple

Object[] result = new Gson().fromJson(json, Object[].class);

But this will give you objects of LinkedTreeMap<Integer, LinkedTreeMap<String, String>> or something like this. You can use it, but its kinda hard and you will also have problems with your integers comming as doubles.

The other approach is to create custom interface or abstract class with TypeName field if you need it:

private interface CheckInterface{}

and implement it with every POJO classes of object types you have:

private static class CheckEveryDayBase implements CheckInterface{
private String StartDate;
private String EndDate;
private int Interval;
private int HolidayCondition;

private static class CheckSpecificDday implements CheckInterface{
private String SpecificDay;
private int Lunar;

private static class CheckEveryDayDday extends CheckEveryDayBase{
private String StartOption;

private static class CheckEveryDdayOfWeek extends CheckEveryDayBase{
private String SpecificDayOfWeek;

private static class CheckEveryMonthSpecificDday extends CheckEveryDayBase{
private String SpecificDD;

private static class CheckEveryYearWeek extends CheckEveryDayBase{
private String SpecificMMnthWeek;

Then create custom desrializer for your CheckInterface:

public static class CheckInterfaceDeserializer implements JsonDeserializer<CheckInterface>{

public CheckInterface deserialize(JsonElement json, Type typeOfT,
JsonDeserializationContext context) throws JsonParseException {
JsonObject jObject = (JsonObject) json;
JsonElement typeObj = jObject.get("TypeName");

if(typeObj!= null ){
String typeVal = typeObj.getAsString();

switch (typeVal){
case "CheckSpecificDday":
return context.deserialize(json, CheckSpecificDday.class);
case "CheckEveryDayDday":
return context.deserialize(json, CheckEveryDayDday.class);
case "CheckEveryDdayOfWeek":
return context.deserialize(json, CheckEveryDdayOfWeek.class);
case "CheckEveryMonthSpecificDday":
return context.deserialize(json, CheckEveryMonthSpecificDday.class);
case "CheckEveryYearWeek":
return context.deserialize(json, CheckEveryYearWeek.class);

return null;

Here is how you can use this:

GsonBuilder builder = new GsonBuilder();

// Register custom deserializer for CheckInterface.class
builder.registerTypeAdapter(CheckInterface.class, new CheckInterfaceDeserializer());
Gson gson = builder.create();

CheckInterface[] result2 = gson.fromJson(json, CheckInterface[].class);

Using Gson in Kotlin to parse JSON array

You need to change parameter in your fromJson() function call like following:

val weatherList: List<WeatherObject> = gson.fromJson(stringReader , Array<WeatherObject>

You need to pass Array<WeatherObject> for class type and then convert result into List. No need to change registerTypeAdapter() function call.

Check following code:

fun getWeatherObjectFromJson(jsonStr: String): List<WeatherObject> {

var stringReader: StringReader = StringReader(jsonStr)
var jsonReader: JsonReader = JsonReader(stringReader)

val gsonBuilder = GsonBuilder().serializeNulls()
gsonBuilder.registerTypeAdapter(, WeatherDeserializer())
val gson = gsonBuilder.create()

val weatherList: List<WeatherObject> = gson.fromJson(stringReader , Array<WeatherObject>

return weatherList

Gson is unable to parse a json array string located in an json object AS a JsonArray

I understand the REST API response is bad and is violating the JSON syntax.
Solution is to correct the REST API, but in my scenario unfotunately i cannot request for API correction so i wrote a util at my end to clean the jsonString.

Posting it here if it helps anyone :

* @param malformedArrayKey
* - Name of the key in the JSON object that has a malformed array
* for e.g consider following JSON object having a bad formed array
* <pre>
* {
* "task": "findRecords",
* "foundRecords": "[1234567, 11234512]",
* }
* </pre>
* @param jsonString
* - String representation of the JSON object containing the malformed array
* @return - json string having well formed array against the key {@code malformedArrayKey} supplied
* <pre>
* {
* "task": "findRecords",
* "foundRecords": [1234567, 11234512]
* }
* </pre>
public static String formatMalformedArray(String malformedArrayKey, String jsonString) {
JsonObject jsonObj = gson.fromJson(jsonString, JsonObject.class);
// get the faulty key value
String malformedArrayKeyValue = jsonObj.get(malformedArrayKey)
// drop it
// create a array out of the malformed array string
JsonArray jsonArray = gson.fromJson(malformedArrayKeyValue, JsonArray.class);
// add the array back to the object
jsonObj.add(malformedArrayKey, jsonArray);
// now convert it into a well formed json string
return jsonObj.toString();

The method is quite basic but it satisifes my use case.

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