File Not Found Exception When Reading File from Linux Extreme Vps

file not found exception when reading file from Linux EXTREME VPS

I think that the problem is that you are using the wrong file path.

You say that you are reading a files on a Linux server, and it seems that you are trying to read them on a Windows machine. From this I infer that you have mounted the Linux file server on your Windows machine as an SMB file share ... or something like that1.

However ... the path that you are using looks like a Linux file path:

  • The path separator is /.
  • The path starts with "/var/..." which is a common convention for UNIX / Linux systems.

But if you have remote mounted the Linux file system, the file path that you should use is the file path that you would use from the Windows command prompt. Probably starting with a drive letter.

(I can't tell you what it should be. It depends on how you mounted the file system, and how the remote file server exports the file tree.)

1 - On the other hand, you may just be using some code you found on the internet which could be completely inappropriate to the task you are trying to do.

Error: Can't open display: (null) when using Xclip to copy ssh public key

DISPLAY=:0 xclip -sel clip < ~/.ssh/ didn't work for me (ubuntu 14.04), but you can use :

cat ~/.ssh/

to get your public key

Symfony permission denied

You can take a look at on "Setting up Permissions" section. It talks about app/logs and app/cache, but you can do the same on any other folder you need

laravel class not found (works on localhost but not on DO server)

Most probably (I'm pretty sure) your local environment is Windows and live server is Linux. So if the class company class file is used as company.php on local server then it's same Company.php on local server but as Linux follows case sensitive rules so it reads the company.php and Company.php as two different files.

So, if you have file name used Company.php then make sure you are refering the class using same case as Company not company (lower), in windows c and C doesn't matter but on Linux/Unix it does because of it's case sensitive nature.

Couldn't connect to server

The log indicates that mongodb is terminating because there is an old lock file.

If you are not and were not running with journaling, remove the lock file, run repair, and start mongodb again.

If you are or were running with journaling turned on, see the relevant Mongo DB docs. Note that they say "If you are running with Journaling you should not do a repair to recover to a consistent state." So if you were journaling, the repair may have made things worse.

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