This App Is Not Authorized to Use Firebase Authentication.Please Verify That the Correct Package Name and Sha-1 Are Configured in the Firebase Console

This app is not authorized to use Firebase Authentication.Please verify that the correct package name and SHA-1 are configured in the Firebase Console

When you updated Android Studio, the debug key which is used to sign debug apps might have changed. Just add the new SHA-1 checksum of your debug key in the firebase console.

Easiest way would be to connect/sync to firebase from


If you want to do it manually or for release keystore, first generate SHA-1 checksum using following command:

keytool -list -v -keystore KEYSTORE_PATH -alias ALIAS_NAME

Then copy the SHA-1 checksum and go to:

Firebase Console > Your project > Settings of the app > Add Fingerprint

For more info, read this guide: Authenticating Your Client | Google APIs for Android

Please verify that the correct package name and SHA-1 are configured in the Firebase Console

I think you have not added SHA fingerprints for your release signing key.
If you have selected something like this "Let google manage and protect your app signing key (recommended)", then you should go in Play Console, and then choose your app, go to App Signing under Setup (New version of Play Console).
Your fingerprint will be available below "App Signing Key Certificate", copy it, then go to Firebase Console, inside your project, go in project settings, and then finally add your copied fingerprint. then download latest Google-services.json file and add it to your project.
If you have not enabled Google signing, you have to find your fingerprint from the local signed key (which you used) using keytool and then add it.

Read this:

This app is not authorized to use Firebase Authentication in Emulator

In order to prevent abuse the firebase phone authentication wont work in emulator.

But if you want it for testing purpose then you should add use some
testing phone number in firebase console that will work in emulator.

Go to your firebase console -> Authentication -> SIGN-IN Method -> Phone and check the "Phone numbers for testing (optional)" field.

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