Exclude @Component from @Componentscan

exclude @Component from @ComponentScan

The configuration seem alright, except that you should use excludeFilters instead of excludes:

@Configuration @EnableSpringConfigured
@ComponentScan(basePackages = {"com.example"}, excludeFilters={
@ComponentScan.Filter(type=FilterType.ASSIGNABLE_TYPE, value=Foo.class)})
public class MySpringConfiguration {}

Exclude a particular class from Spring Component scan while writing Spring Integration Test

You can make use of @Conditional as shown below.

  • In application.properties introduce a property say kafka.enabled.
  • Annotate the OrderReceiveEventConfiguration with @Conditional(PropertyCondition.class)
  • Depending on kafka.enabled value viz. true (for normal run) or false (for testing) the OrderReceiveEventConfiguration will be picked up or ignored respectively without changing the code.

Let know in comments in case any more information is required.

Except main @conditional annotation there are set of similar annotation to be used for different cases.

Class conditions

The @ConditionalOnClass and @ConditionalOnMissingClass annotations allows configuration to be included based on the presence or absence of specific classes.

E.g. when OObjectDatabaseTx.class is added to dependencies and there is no OrientWebConfigurer bean we create the configurer.

public OrientWebConfigurer orientWebConfigurer() {
return new OrientWebConfigurer();

Bean conditions

The @ConditionalOnBean and @ConditionalOnMissingBean annotations allow a bean to be included based on the presence or absence of specific beans. You can use the value attribute to specify beans by type, or name to specify beans by name. The search attribute allows you to limit the ApplicationContext hierarchy that should be considered when searching for beans.

See the example above when we check whether there is no defined bean.

Property conditions

The @ConditionalOnProperty annotation allows configuration to be included based on a Spring Environment property. Use the prefix and name attributes to specify the property that should be checked. By default any property that exists and is not equal to false will be matched. You can also create more advanced checks using the havingValue and matchIfMissing attributes.

@ConditionalOnProperty(value='somebean.enabled', matchIfMissing = true, havingValue="yes")
public SomeBean someBean(){

Resource conditions

The @ConditionalOnResource annotation allows configuration to be included only when a specific resource is present.

@ConditionalOnResource(resources = "classpath:init-db.sql") 

Web application conditions

The @ConditionalOnWebApplication and @ConditionalOnNotWebApplication annotations allow configuration to be included depending on whether the application is a 'web application'.

public class MyWebMvcAutoConfiguration {...}

SpEL expression conditions

The @ConditionalOnExpression annotation allows configuration to be included based on the result of a SpEL expression.


Spring @ComponentScan exclude/include filters

Basically @ControllerAdvice annotated classes are ordered, which means that if Spring internals find an @ExceptionHandler which accepts the thrown exception, it will use that one and stop.

When having multiple classes it is possible to set the bean priority with @Order (for example). Annotating the ServiceException containing class with @Order made it working.

Also, based on this feature request https://jira.spring.io/browse/SPR-8881 we can specify multiple classes on one @Filter annotation, no need to split them in multiple @Filter(s).

Spring boot ComponentScan excludeFIlters not excluding

Each component scan does filtering individually. While you exclude Starter.class from SimpleTestConfig, SimpleTestConfig initializes Application, which does it's own @ComponentScan without excluding Starter.
The clean way of using ComponentScan is for each ComponentScan to scan separate packages, that way each filter works fine. When 2 separate ComponentScans scan the same package (as in your tests), this does not work.

One way to trick this is to provide a mock Starter bean:

import org.springframework.boot.test.mock.mockito.MockBean;

public class SimpleTest {
private Starter myTestBean;

Spring will use that mock instead of the real class, thus the @PostConstruct method will not be called.

Other common solutions:

  • Do not directly use Application.class in any unit test
  • Use Spring profile and annotations such as @Profile("!TEST") on the Starter class
  • Use a spring Boot @ConditionalOn... annotation on the Starter class

Define Spring beans in library and exclude them from ComponentScan

There might be some ways to exclude the library package from project A or B's component scan without explicitly stating that the package is to be excluded.

Use a different package root for your library

The most straightforward option is to use a different package root for the library than the project uses. Since the @SpringBootApplication annotation is meta-annotated with @ComponentScan, if @ComponentScan's attributes basePackageClasses or basePackages have not been specified, the package name of the annotated class is used as root package to use for component scanning (source):

Configures component scanning directives for use with @Configuration classes. Provides support parallel with Spring XML's context:component-scan element. Either basePackageClasses() or basePackages() (or its alias value()) may be specified to define specific packages to scan. If specific packages are not defined, scanning will occur from the package of the class that declares this annotation.

For instance, if a @SpringBootApplication annotated root class is located in package com.example.somepackage:

package com.example.somepackage;

public class DemoApplication {

The base package root com.example.somepackage will be used as the root for component scanning. Using com.example.library instead of com.example.somepackage.library should exclude the library from being included in the component scanning.

Make use of ConditionalOn annotations in the Library

If the method above doesn't work and the configuration is still automatically included during component scanning, a slightly less invasive way when compared to using profiles is adding @ConditionalOnX annotations to your configuration class, such as:


@ConditionalOnProperty(prefix = "yourlibrary", name = "enabled", havingValue="true")

The projects relying on the library will now need to include the property yourlibrary.enabled=true.

More info on the several @ConditionalOn annotations can be found here.

Exclude class from ComponentScan of SpringBoot

You could work with profiles.

Annotate your integration test with @ActiveProfiles("test") and your component that should be loaded for integration tests with @Profile("test") and the Components that should not be loaded for integration tests with @Profile("!test")

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