Double Calculation Producing Odd Result

Double calculation producing odd result

Oh, I love these... these are caused by inaccuracy in the double representation and floating-point arithmetic is full of these. It is often caused by recurring numbers in binary (i.e. base-2 floating-point representation). For example, in decimal 1/3 = 0.3333' In binary 1/10 is a recurring number, which means it cannot be perfectly represented. Try this: 1 - 0.1 - 0.1 - 0.1 - 0.1. You wont get 0.6 :-)

To solve this, use BigDecimal (preferred) or manipulating the double by first multiplying it something like 10000, then rounding it and then dividing it again (less clean).

Good question... it has caused huge problems in the past. Missiles overshooting targets, satellites crashing after launch, etc. Search the web for some, you'll be amazed!

Incorrect rounding of currency double values

I found the solution to this issue some time ago,forgot to come back. It was kind of a mistake on my part.Kind of.
The user application was making the calculus somewhere,sending it to the database then i was extracting it and redoing the calculus in another application(with the same calculus method).

The issue was that when I made the database,the "client" told me that the prices will never have more then 2 decimals so i declared the price field as Decimal(10,2),since I asked and made sure it was ok.
They then set a price as 0.305 for example. The user app would do the calculus, for example 24*0.305=7.32 and in the database it would record as 0.30 since it could only accept 2 decimals and then, when I took the data from the database and redid it in my other application , of course, 24*0.30=7.2

Sorry for leading you down the wrong path.
All good now.I learned that you should never trust the user/client and always double check I guess, heh.
Have a good one!

When using doubles, why isn't (x / (y * z)) the same as (x / y / z)?

I see a bunch of questions that tell you how to work around this problem, but not one that really explains what's going on, other than "floating-point roundoff error is bad, m'kay?" So let me take a shot at it. Let me first point out that nothing in this answer is specific to Java. Roundoff error is a problem inherent to any fixed-precision representation of numbers, so you get the same issues in, say, C.

Roundoff error in a decimal data type

As a simplified example, imagine we have some sort of computer that natively uses an unsigned decimal data type, let's call it float6d. The length of the data type is 6 digits: 4 dedicated to the mantissa, and 2 dedicated to the exponent. For example, the number 3.142 can be expressed as

3.142 x 10^0

which would be stored in 6 digits as


The first two digits are the exponent plus 50, and the last four are the mantissa. This data type can represent any number from 0.001 x 10^-50 to 9.999 x 10^+49.

Actually, that's not true. It can't store any number. What if you want to represent 3.141592? Or 3.1412034? Or 3.141488906? Tough luck, the data type can't store more than four digits of precision, so the compiler has to round anything with more digits to fit into the constraints of the data type. If you write

float6d x = 3.141592;
float6d y = 3.1412034;
float6d z = 3.141488906;

then the compiler converts each of these three values to the same internal representation, 3.142 x 10^0 (which, remember, is stored as 503142), so that x == y == z will hold true.

The point is that there is a whole range of real numbers which all map to the same underlying sequence of digits (or bits, in a real computer). Specifically, any x satisfying 3.1415 <= x <= 3.1425 (assuming half-even rounding) gets converted to the representation 503142 for storage in memory.

This rounding happens every time your program stores a floating-point value in memory. The first time it happens is when you write a constant in your source code, as I did above with x, y, and z. It happens again whenever you do an arithmetic operation that increases the number of digits of precision beyond what the data type can represent. Either of these effects is called roundoff error. There are a few different ways this can happen:

  • Addition and subtraction: if one of the values you're adding has a different exponent from the other, you will wind up with extra digits of precision, and if there are enough of them, the least significant ones will need to be dropped. For example, 2.718 and 121.0 are both values that can be exactly represented in the float6d data type. But if you try to add them together:

       1.210     x 10^2
    + 0.02718 x 10^2
    1.23718 x 10^2

    which gets rounded off to 1.237 x 10^2, or 123.7, dropping two digits of precision.

  • Multiplication: the number of digits in the result is approximately the sum of the number of digits in the two operands. This will produce some amount of roundoff error, if your operands already have many significant digits. For example, 121 x 2.718 gives you

       1.210     x 10^2
    x 0.02718 x 10^2
    3.28878 x 10^2

    which gets rounded off to 3.289 x 10^2, or 328.9, again dropping two digits of precision.

    However, it's useful to keep in mind that, if your operands are "nice" numbers, without many significant digits, the floating-point format can probably represent the result exactly, so you don't have to deal with roundoff error. For example, 2.3 x 140 gives

       1.40      x 10^2
    x 0.23 x 10^2
    3.22 x 10^2

    which has no roundoff problems.

  • Division: this is where things get messy. Division will pretty much always result in some amount of roundoff error unless the number you're dividing by happens to be a power of the base (in which case the division is just a digit shift, or bit shift in binary). As an example, take two very simple numbers, 3 and 7, divide them, and you get

       3.                x 10^0
    / 7. x 10^0
    0.428571428571... x 10^0

    The closest value to this number which can be represented as a float6d is 4.286 x 10^-1, or 0.4286, which distinctly differs from the exact result.

As we'll see in the next section, the error introduced by rounding grows with each operation you do. So if you're working with "nice" numbers, as in your example, it's generally best to do the division operations as late as possible because those are the operations most likely to introduce roundoff error into your program where none existed before.

Analysis of roundoff error

In general, if you can't assume your numbers are "nice", roundoff error can be either positive or negative, and it's very difficult to predict which direction it will go just based on the operation. It depends on the specific values involved. Look at this plot of the roundoff error for 2.718 z as a function of z (still using the float6d data type):

roundoff error for multiplication by 2.718

In practice, when you're working with values that use the full precision of your data type, it's often easier to treat roundoff error as a random error. Looking at the plot, you might be able to guess that the magnitude of the error depends on the order of magnitude of the result of the operation. In this particular case, when z is of the order 10-1, 2.718 z is also on the order of 10-1, so it will be a number of the form 0.XXXX. The maximum roundoff error is then half of the last digit of precision; in this case, by "the last digit of precision" I mean 0.0001, so the roundoff error varies between -0.00005 and +0.00005. At the point where 2.718 z jumps up to the next order of magnitude, which is 1/2.718 = 0.3679, you can see that the roundoff error also jumps up by an order of magnitude.

You can use well-known techniques of error analysis to analyze how a random (or unpredictable) error of a certain magnitude affects your result. Specifically, for multiplication or division, the "average" relative error in your result can be approximated by adding the relative error in each of the operands in quadrature - that is, square them, add them, and take the square root. With our float6d data type, the relative error varies between 0.0005 (for a value like 0.101) and 0.00005 (for a value like 0.995).

relative error in values between 0.1 and 1

Let's take 0.0001 as a rough average for the relative error in values x and y. The relative error in x * y or x / y is then given by

sqrt(0.0001^2 + 0.0001^2) = 0.0001414

which is a factor of sqrt(2) larger than the relative error in each of the individual values.

When it comes to combining operations, you can apply this formula multiple times, once for each floating-point operation. So for instance, for z / (x * y), the relative error in x * y is, on average, 0.0001414 (in this decimal example) and then the relative error in z / (x * y) is

sqrt(0.0001^2 + 0.0001414^2) = 0.0001732

Notice that the average relative error grows with each operation, specifically as the square root of the number of multiplications and divisions you do.

Similarly, for z / x * y, the average relative error in z / x is 0.0001414, and the relative error in z / x * y is

sqrt(0.0001414^2 + 0.0001^2) = 0.0001732

So, the same, in this case. This means that for arbitrary values, on average, the two expressions introduce approximately the same error. (In theory, that is. I've seen these operations behave very differently in practice, but that's another story.)

Gory details

You might be curious about the specific calculation you presented in the question, not just an average. For that analysis, let's switch to the real world of binary arithmetic. Floating-point numbers in most systems and languages are represented using IEEE standard 754. For 64-bit numbers, the format specifies 52 bits dedicated to the mantissa, 11 to the exponent, and one to the sign. In other words, when written in base 2, a floating point number is a value of the form

1.1100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 x 2^00000000010
52 bits 11 bits

The leading 1 is not explicitly stored, and constitutes a 53rd bit. Also, you should note that the 11 bits stored to represent the exponent are actually the real exponent plus 1023. For example, this particular value is 7, which is 1.75 x 22. The mantissa is 1.75 in binary, or 1.11, and the exponent is 1023 + 2 = 1025 in binary, or 10000000001, so the content stored in memory is

^ ^
exponent mantissa

but that doesn't really matter.

Your example also involves 450,

1.1100001000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 x 2^00000001000

and 60,

1.1110000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 x 2^00000000101

You can play around with these values using this converter or any of many others on the internet.

When you compute the first expression, 450/(7*60), the processor first does the multiplication, obtaining 420, or

1.1010010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 x 2^00000001000

Then it divides 450 by 420. This produces 15/14, which is


in binary. Now, the Java language specification says that

Inexact results must be rounded to the representable value nearest to the infinitely precise result; if the two nearest representable values are equally near, the one with its least significant bit zero is chosen. This is the IEEE 754 standard's default rounding mode known as round to nearest.

and the nearest representable value to 15/14 in 64-bit IEEE 754 format is

1.0001001001001001001001001001001001001001001001001001 x 2^00000000000

which is approximately 1.0714285714285714 in decimal. (More precisely, this is the least precise decimal value that uniquely specifies this particular binary representation.)

On the other hand, if you compute 450 / 7 first, the result is 64.2857142857..., or in binary,


for which the nearest representable value is

1.0000000100100100100100100100100100100100100100100101 x 2^00000000110

which is 64.28571428571429180465... Note the change in the last digit of the binary mantissa (compared to the exact value) due to roundoff error. Dividing this by 60 gives you


Look at the end: the pattern is different! It's 0011 that repeats, instead of 001 as in the other case. The closest representable value is

1.0001001001001001001001001001001001001001001001001010 x 2^00000000000

which differs from the other order of operations in the last two bits: they're 10 instead of 01. The decimal equivalent is 1.0714285714285716.

The specific rounding that causes this difference should be clear if you look at the exact binary values:

^ last bit of mantissa

It works out in this case that the former result, numerically 15/14, happens to be the most accurate representation of the exact value. This is an example of how leaving division until the end benefits you. But again, this rule only holds as long as the values you're working with don't use the full precision of the data type. Once you start working with inexact (rounded) values, you no longer protect yourself from further roundoff errors by doing the multiplications first.

Getting wrong answer in double arithmetic in Java

double values cannot represent all values precisely and this is such an example. You can use BigDecimal instead:

BigDecimal bd1 = new BigDecimal("0.6666666666666666");
BigDecimal bd2 = new BigDecimal("-0.666666666666667");



print double number in java and get wrong answer

Double operation has some precision problem. Use BigDecimal operation instead of double than you will get expected result.

  //double check =0.615 * 255 + -0.515 * 255 + -0.100 * 255;
BigDecimal check =
.add(BigDecimal.valueOf( -0.515).multiply(BigDecimal.valueOf( 255)))
.add(BigDecimal.valueOf( -0.100).multiply(BigDecimal.valueOf( 255)));


Result is : 0.000

Java Double variables have strange values

In IEEE-754 binary double, we need to consider 1.1 and 1.2 in the binary representation:

1.2 = 0b1.001100110011001100110011001100110011001100110011001100110011...
1.1 = 0b1.000110011001100110011001100110011001100110011001100110011001...

note that we need infinitely many bits to represent them exactly in binary. double only has 53 bits of significance, we have to chop off the numbers:

1.2 = 0b1.001100110011001100110011001100110011001100110011001100110011...
1.1 = 0b1.000110011001100110011001100110011001100110011001100110011001...
^ round from here
1.2 ~ 0b1.0011001100110011001100110011001100110011001100110011
(= exactly 1.1999999999999999555910790149937383830547332763671875)
1.1 ~ 0b1.0001100110011001100110011001100110011001100110011010
(= exactly 1.100000000000000088817841970012523233890533447265625)

Hence 1.2 - 1.1 is:

  1.2 ~ 0b1.0011001100110011001100110011001100110011001100110011
- 1.1 ~ 0b1.0001100110011001100110011001100110011001100110011010
(= exactly 0.09999999999999986677323704498121514916419982910156250000)

We can actually compute 60 / 0.0999999999999998667732370449812151491641998291015625 exactly, which gives

^ 16th significant figure

that matches OP's result of


Java sum of all double does not return expected result

Try with java.math.BigDecimal. Double rounds result. You will just have to use add method, not + operator.

Retain precision with double in Java

As others have mentioned, you'll probably want to use the BigDecimal class, if you want to have an exact representation of 11.4.

Now, a little explanation into why this is happening:

The float and double primitive types in Java are floating point numbers, where the number is stored as a binary representation of a fraction and a exponent.

More specifically, a double-precision floating point value such as the double type is a 64-bit value, where:

  • 1 bit denotes the sign (positive or negative).
  • 11 bits for the exponent.
  • 52 bits for the significant digits (the fractional part as a binary).

These parts are combined to produce a double representation of a value.

(Source: Wikipedia: Double precision)

For a detailed description of how floating point values are handled in Java, see the Section 4.2.3: Floating-Point Types, Formats, and Values of the Java Language Specification.

The byte, char, int, long types are fixed-point numbers, which are exact representions of numbers. Unlike fixed point numbers, floating point numbers will some times (safe to assume "most of the time") not be able to return an exact representation of a number. This is the reason why you end up with 11.399999999999 as the result of 5.6 + 5.8.

When requiring a value that is exact, such as 1.5 or 150.1005, you'll want to use one of the fixed-point types, which will be able to represent the number exactly.

As has been mentioned several times already, Java has a BigDecimal class which will handle very large numbers and very small numbers.

From the Java API Reference for the BigDecimal class:

arbitrary-precision signed decimal
numbers. A BigDecimal consists of an
arbitrary precision integer unscaled
value and a 32-bit integer scale. If
zero or positive, the scale is the
number of digits to the right of the
decimal point. If negative, the
unscaled value of the number is
multiplied by ten to the power of the
negation of the scale. The value of
the number represented by the
BigDecimal is therefore (unscaledValue
× 10^-scale).

There has been many questions on Stack Overflow relating to the matter of floating point numbers and its precision. Here is a list of related questions that may be of interest:

  • Why do I see a double variable initialized to some value like 21.4 as 21.399999618530273?
  • How to print really big numbers in C++
  • How is floating point stored? When does it matter?
  • Use Float or Decimal for Accounting Application Dollar Amount?

If you really want to get down to the nitty gritty details of floating point numbers, take a look at What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating-Point Arithmetic.

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