In Java 8, Is There a Bytestream Class

In Java 8, is there a ByteStream class?

No, it does not exist. Actually, it was explicitly not implemented so as not to clutter the Stream API with tons of classes for every primitive type.

Quoting a mail from Brian Goetz in the OpenJDK mailing list:

Short answer: no.

It is not worth another 100K+ of JDK footprint each for these forms
which are used almost never. And if we added those, someone would
demand short, float, or boolean.

Put another way, if people insisted we had all the primitive
specializations, we would have no primitive specializations. Which
would be worse than the status quo.

Create a Stream from a byte[] to a primitive byte Stream

A Stream<Byte> is about as good as a ByteStream of primitives would be, since Byte#valueOf returns cached instances of the boxed values (and the compiler handles boxing and unboxing for you). So then the only trick is to turn your byte[] into a Stream<Byte>.

One way to do that would be to create an IntStream of indexes, and then map those indexes into lookups into your byte[]:

byte[] byteArray = "hello".getBytes();
Stream<Byte> byteStream = IntStream.range(0, byteArray.length)
.mapToObj(i -> byteArray[i]);

I don't know of any helper method in the JDK that does this for you.

when i use Java 8 Stream.of primitive type, the result is confused

Stream.of only accepts Objects as its arguments. A byte isn't an Object, but a byte array is. If a is an array of byte, then Stream.of(a) can only mean "stream of this one object, which is an array".

If you have a Byte[] array, then each element of the array is an object, so the compiler can guess that's what you mean.

There is information here about how you can stream a byte array:
In Java 8, is there a ByteStream class?

ArrayList of byte[] to byte[] using stream in Java

Try this.

List<byte[]> list = Arrays.asList("abc".getBytes(), "def".getBytes());
byte[] result =
() -> new ByteArrayOutputStream(),
(b, e) -> b.write(e, 0, e.length),
(a, b) -> {}).toByteArray();
System.out.println(new String(result));
// -> abcdef

java 8: how to stream an array of int, extract low bytes, and create an array of byte

Unfortunately, steams don't support the byte type directly; i.e,. there is no ByteStream specialization like there are for int and long1.

If you insist on using streams, a reasonably efficient solution is to use a ByteArrayOutputStream to collect the bytes:

ByteArrayOutputStream baos(myintarray.length); -> baos.write((byte)i));
byte[] byteArray = baos.toArray();

This only copies the array once. A for loop and explicit array insertion is going to be better still:

byte[] byteArray = new byte[myintarray.length];
for (int i = 0; i < myintarray.length; i++) {
byteArray[i] = (byte)myintarray[i];

Probably slightly more concise than the streams version, and about as fast as you'll get in Java.

If you really insist on a 1-liner with Streams, you can get a Byte[] rather than a byte[] like so:
.collect(Collectors.toList()).toArray(new Byte[myintarray.length]);

This involves a crapload of boxing and you end up with a much larger and slower Byte[], but hey you used a pure Java 8 solution, right?

1 Combinatorial explosion arguments notwithstanding, this has always seemed like an unfortunate omission to me, given the key nature of byte[] in many input/output oriented operations.

Convert InputStream to byte array in Java

You can use Apache Commons IO to handle this and similar tasks.

The IOUtils type has a static method to read an InputStream and return a byte[].

InputStream is;
byte[] bytes = IOUtils.toByteArray(is);

Internally this creates a ByteArrayOutputStream and copies the bytes to the output, then calls toByteArray(). It handles large files by copying the bytes in blocks of 4KiB.

Using lambda expression of Java 8, convert ListByte to primitive byte[], without external libraries

You can try doing like this:, (baos, i) -> baos.write((byte) i),
(baos1, baos2) -> baos1.write(baos2.toByteArray(), 0, baos2.size()))

Java 8 Streams : The method boxed() is undefined for the type StreamByte

The method boxed() is designed only for streams of some primitive types (IntStream, DoubleStream, and LongStream) to box each primitive value of the stream into the corresponding wrapper class (Integer, Double, and Long respectively).

The expression returns a Stream<Byte> which is already boxed since there is no such thing as a ByteStream class.

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