Error Building Aab - Flutter (Android) - Integrity Check Failed: Java.Security.Nosuchalgorithmexception: Algorithm Hmacpbesha256 Not Available

Execution failed for task ':app:signReleaseBundle'

The only method to solve this, that worked for me was:

  1. flutter clean
  2. edit the path i used in key propeties.

For example: "./upload-keystore.jks" to "C:/key/myapp/upload-keystore.jks"
3. flutter build appbundle

Java Algorithm HmacSHA256 not available

You just be running a different JRE.
Look at this page to tell you what is available in which one.

I lost my key store password, I want to update my app on plays store with same keystore

Sorry, the answer is there's absolutely no way to update your app with your keystore without the password.

You have to unlist your app and build with a new keystore, list a new one. Users will not see the updated app because the listing is now pointing at a different entry.

Please keep your keystore file like your life.

how make secure file in flutter

This is already a secure mechanism that is followed by Android.
Full Article : Article to refer

In Brief:
Creating a keystore file is quite similar as storing configs in environment variables, By default if you generate or sign app using android studio it stores the credentials directly in the gradle file so instead of this when we are working in teams we store these in a different file which is not included when we build and also can be excluded when from source control using .gitignore

So we use this keystore variables while signing the app instead of hard coded strings.

Another reason is the .jks file which is indeed really important exists on your pc only and without which you cannot compile the app.

There are practices that you can follow to ensure security like using Proguard and code obfuscation, flutter still is in growing stage so they would likely ensure the use of NDK with which one can write the files natively into .so files, which are much less likely to be decompiled than APKs.

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