Write HTML File Using Java

Cannot write to created HTML file in Java

You need to ensure the file is closed. Use try-with-resources as in:

        File f = new File(path + index + ".html");
try (FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(f)) {
BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(fw);
} catch (Exception e) {

Note that the (essentially) empty catch block will hide any exceptions from you. Not a good idea.

Also, while(true) and break are unnecessary.

Building HTML in Java code only

There can be several approaches.

First you can use String, or StringBuilder. This is good for extremely short HTMLs like <html>Hello, <b>world</b></html>.

If HTML is more complicated it is easier to use some API. Take a look on these links:


Java HTML Builder (anti-template) library?

or search html builder java in google.

Other possibility is templating. If you actually have a template where you wish to replace a couple of words you can write your HTML as an *.html file with {0}, {} marks for parameters. Then just use java.text.MessageFormat to create actual HTML text.

The next approach is to use "real" template engine like Velocity.

Java server send html page from file to browser

As you test your server with a web browser, you need to send a valid HTTP request including HTTP headers which are provided in your hardcoded part.

So, you should just add output of the header part just before you print the contents of the file.

Also you need to collect the information about the file size, and send "Content-Length: " + file_size + "\r\n" header.

There's a bug with closing printWriter before you finish reading the page file, you need to close it after the loop:

    while(line != null)//repeat till the file is empty
printWriter.println(line);//print current line
printWriter.flush();// I have also tried putting this outside the while loop right before
printWriter.close() // BUG: no ";" and closing printWriter too early
line = reader.readLine();//read next line

So, updated method to send your file to the client is as follows:

    private void sendPage(Socket client) throws Exception {
System.out.println("Page writter called");

File index = new File("index.html");

PrintWriter printWriter = new PrintWriter(client.getOutputStream());// Make a writer for the output stream to
// the client
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(index));// grab a file and put it into the buffer
// print HTTP headers
printWriter.println("HTTP/1.1 200 OK");
printWriter.println("Content-Type: text/html");
printWriter.println("Content-Length: " + index.length());
String line = reader.readLine();// line to go line by line from file
while (line != null)// repeat till the file is read
printWriter.println(line);// print current line

line = reader.readLine();// read next line
reader.close();// close the reader

How to Open HTML file using Java?

I would prefer to use default browser

File htmlFile = new File(url);

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