Xcode 7 UI Testing: Dismiss Push and Location Alerts

Xcode 7 UI Testing: how to dismiss a series of system alerts in code

Xcode 7.1

Xcode 7.1 has finally fixed the issue with system alerts. There are, however, two small gotchas.

First, you need to set up a "UI Interuption Handler" before presenting the alert. This is our way of telling the framework how to handle an alert when it appears.

Second, after presenting the alert you must interact with the interface. Simply tapping the app works just fine, but is required.

addUIInterruptionMonitorWithDescription("Location Dialog") { (alert) -> Bool in
return true

app.buttons["Request Location"].tap()
app.tap() // need to interact with the app for the handler to fire

The "Location Dialog" is just a string to help the developer identify which handler was accessed, it is not specific to the type of alert.

I believe that returning true from the handler marks it as "complete", which means it won't be called again. For your situation I would try returning false so the second alert will trigger the handler again.

Xcode 7.0

The following will dismiss a single "system alert" in Xcode 7 Beta 6:

let app = XCUIApplication()
// trigger location permission dialog


Beta 6 introduced a slew of fixes for UI Testing and I believe this was one of them.

Also note that I am calling -element directly on -alerts. Calling -element on an XCUIElementQuery forces the framework to choose the "one and only" matching element on the screen. This works great for alerts where you can only have one visible at a time. However, if you try this for a label and have two labels the framework will raise an exception.

Dismissing alert XCUITest

I improve the answer of @user3271402

addUIInterruptionMonitorWithDescription("alert description") { (alert) -> Bool in
let alertButton = alert.buttons["OK"]
if alertButton.exists {
return true
return false

Just tap if the alert exists. If the alert doesn't happen return false and after tap the app and the end.

dismiss location services request dialog

You have to interact with the app right after adding the UIInterruptionMonitor. This can be a simple tap:

addUIInterruptionMonitor(withDescription: "Location Dialog") { (alert) -> Bool in
let button = alert.buttons["Allow"]
if button.exists {
return true
return false
// interact with the app

If app.tap() interferes with your test you could also use app.swipeUp()

Be aware that the location service permission dialog changed in iOS11. There are now 3 Buttons, so you have to use alert.buttons["Always Allow"] to dismiss the dialog.

Sample Image

iOS UITesting : Handle all system prompt automatically with addUIInterruptionMonitorWithDescription

here the xcode-documentation of addUIInterruptionMonitorWithDescription.

/*! Adds a handler to the current context. Returns a token that can be used to unregister the handler. Handlers are invoked in the reverse order in which they are added until one of the handlers returns true, indicating that it has handled the alert.
@param handlerDescription Explanation of the behavior and purpose of this handler, mainly used for debugging and analysis.
@param handler Handler block for asynchronous UI such as alerts and other dialogs. Handlers should return true if they handled the UI, false if they did not. The handler is passed an XCUIElement representing the top level UI element for the alert.
public func addUIInterruptionMonitorWithDescription(handlerDescription: String, handler: (XCUIElement) -> Bool) -> NSObjectProtocol

1) "Location Dialog" is just a handlerDescription for you to identifie what alert you handle. You can write somethings else.

2) You have to use the same method. Just tap the app after.

Here i use this part of code to handle Push notifications:

addUIInterruptionMonitorWithDescription("Push notifications") { (alert) -> Bool in
if alert.buttons["OK"].exists {
return true
return false


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