How to Localize an App Icon

How to localize an app icon?

Since iOS 4.0, this simply doesn't seem to be possible anymore. As of 2015, the documentation has been updated and now only states that Launch Images can be localized (but does not mention App Icons anymore).

The fact that this isn't working has been confirmed by an an Apple employee on the devforums (login required) in 2010:

Bugreports have been submitted for several years, but nothing has changed. I suppose Apple wants you to use the same icon for your app all over the world – or create separate apps for specific markets.

Localization of app icon is not working iOS

This tutorial might be helpful.

Though the articles I had read says from iOS 4.0 Apple has stopped providing support to localize app icons. They would just say create different app icons for different markets.

Since the apps that you are showing are apple's itself. They have the privilege to it.

Localization of icon and launch screen in iPhone iOS 8

Icons and launch screens can't be localized, even with the new kind of launch screens that are based on storyboards instead of images

Support for localized icons in Android applications

If your application icon is in a localized drawable-LOCALE folder then on the device, the application icon can be a localized version. Currently with the web market updates, you upload a hi-res application icon when you publish, and that icon is used in the market. So localized icon in the app, standard icon in the market.

OSX: how to localize the name appearing when the mouse flies over the app icon in the dock?

have an info InfoPlist.strings file in which you have localized CFBundleDisplayName, you can also localize the NSHumanReadableCopyrigh et al.

It is indeed required to follow strictly the steps mentioned in this article:

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