Delete Cell from Uicollectionview Without Reloading from Top

Delete Cell from UICollectionView Without Reloading

You can try

 var toDele = [IndexPath]()
if let tabId = dat["tabId"] as? Int, let resId = dat["resId"] as? Int {
for (index,item) in {
if item.tabId == tabId {

for item in toDele {
collectionView.deleteItems(at:toDele )

or if you don't have duplicates

   if let tabId = dat["tabId"] as? Int, let resId = dat["resId"] as? Int {
if let ind ={ $0.tabId == tabId }) {

UICollectionView Cell Deletion

I think your custom layout manager could actually well be the issue.

When you delete the cell from the collectionView you need to invalidate the existing layout, otherwise the layout manager will simply give you the same array of attributes in the cache that it originally calculated - including the layout for the cell that you have deleted, hence the error.

Once you have deleted the relevant entry from your data source, call cache.removeAll(), then call prepareLayout() again to refresh the layout cache. After that, call collectionView.reloadData() (and perhaps also layoutSubviews() and setNeedsDisplay) and that should fix your problem. notice you don't actually need to delete a cell as the collectionView will automatically load in what it needs from the dequeued stack of cells.

Let me know how you get on. All best.

Need To delete cell from UICollectionView

To delete cells from a collectionView you can remove them from the data source and reload the collectionView. You want to make sure you keep your data source in sync with what is on the screen. Basically, keep your data source how you want it and call [collectionView reloadData].

- (void)didTapDeleteCellBtn:(UIButton *)deleteCellBtn {
UICollectionViewCell *cell = (UICollectionViewCell *)deleteCellBtn.superview.superview; // Make sure this gets the right cell for the button
NSIndexPath *indexPath = [self.customCollectionView indexPathForCell:cell];
id item = self.feedItems[indexPath.row];
NSMutableArray *updatedFeedItems = [self.feedItems mutableCopy];
[updatedFeedItems removeObject:item];
self.feedItems = [NSArray arrayWithArray:updatedFeedItems];
[self.customCollectionView reloadData];

How to delete a indiviudal collection view cell via button inside that cell using a tag

You need to delete the item from the dataSource/core data and then reload the collection view.

@objc func elete(_ sender:UIButton){
itemName.remove(at: sender.tag) // this removes from array, but you should also remove from core data.


Empty all cells from UICollectionView

Turns out I can use deleteSections and pass a NSIndexSet through to it, making a range of 0,0 and it'll delete the one and only section.

NSIndexSet *indexSet = [NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndexesInRange:NSMakeRange(0, 0)];
[self.collectionView deleteSections:indexSet];

I could probably just use indexSetWithIndex but when I did my app crashed.

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