Xcode 6 Save for Enterprise Deployment Does Not Create Plist for IPA Anymore

Xcode 6 Save for Enterprise Deployment does not create plist for ipa anymore?

I'm having the same problem. Needed to put a build out last night. I ended up just reusing an old plist and updating it. Here's a template:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
<string>[INSERT URL HERE]</string>
<string>[INSERT BUNDLE ID HERE]</string>
<string>[INSERT VERSION HERE]</string>
<string>[INSERT APP TITLE HERE]</string>

XCode 6.0.1 Enterprise In House Distribution Is Not Creating ipa/plist

add key "Application supports iTunes file sharing" value YES or "LSRequiresIPhoneOS" value YES to info.plist before choose Archive now.it will built ipa with xcode 6.0.1

Getting info.plist for enterprise IOS application

You need to check mark option include manifiest file while creating ipa.So xcode will generate file for you. Otherwise you can get plist file from internet and edit according to your application

Exporting an archive for Enterprise Deployment in XCode 6

I couldn't get a plist either so I used a trick.

To distribute my app Over The Air anyway, I used a plist formerly generated with XCode 5 and changed manually the link to my newly generated IPA.

Once you managed to do that, there is one last thing to know. When you'll open the link to the plist, you'll have the impression that nothing happens because iOS don't close you current window + slide to the downloaded app anymore. But it doesn't necessarily mean that nothing happen! Go to your home screen manually and check.


If that still doesn't work, try this workaround: change your bundle ID, generate your new App ID and provisioning profile accordingly, regenerate your IPA and redo the above. For some, it works only the first time for a given bundle ID!

Xcode 6 beta 2 issue exporting .ipa: Your account already has a valid iOS distribution certificate

This is what worked for me.

  1. On my machine I kept both Xcode 5 and Xcode 6 beta.

  2. From Xcode 6 beta, Archive the project. Close Xcode 6.

  3. Open Xcode 5, go to Organizer and export as Ad Hoc build with proper provisioning profile.

That's it!

Archive type changed to Generic Xcode Archive and is not making ipa

Go to project - build settings. In the search field type "skip". It will show you the Skip Install option in Deployment.

IOS Ad Hoc distribution link does nothing

I was having this issue and rebuild and archiving with Xcode 4.6.2 (released April 15) has resolved it for me.

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