How to Disable Afnetworking Cache

How To Disable AFNetworking Cache

Cacheing is handled application-wide by NSURLCache. If you don't set a shared cache, requests are not cached. Even with a shared NSURLCache, the default implementation on iOS does not support disk cacheing anyway.

That said, unless you have a very particular reason to write your own cacheing system, I would strongly recommend against it. NSURLCache is good enough for 99.9% of applications: it handles cache directives from incoming responses and uses them appropriately with new requests, and does so automatically in a way that is unlikely to be a performance bottleneck in your application. As someone who has wasted untold hours making one myself (and later throwing it away since it was completely unnecessary), I'd say that there are much better places to focus your development attention.

AFNetworking disable caching

Cache behavior can be set on NSMutableURLRequest objects, with setCachePolicy:. Otherwise, the built-in shared NSURLCache will respect the caching behavior defined by the server (which I would recommend tuning and taking advantage of, rather than outright disregarding).

AFNetworking - do not cache response

Make long story short, just define your AFNetworking manager:

AFHTTPRequestOperationManager *manager = [AFHTTPRequestOperationManager manager];
[manager.requestSerializer setCachePolicy:NSURLRequestReloadIgnoringLocalCacheData];


Unwanted caching a GET request with AFNetworking

If you find out nothing to solve your problem then you can add current time at the end of the url. It happened to me as well and I just added something extra to my url so that it's always a new request.

long currentTime = (long)CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent();
NSString *urlString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%@?%ld",

This is just a workaround. Hope this helps

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