After Updating iOS, All Applications Using the Framework Stopped Running on the Device, But They Run on the Simulator

After updating iOS, all applications using the framework stopped running on the device, but they run on the simulator

I had the same issue with realm, it would work on the simulator but crash instantly on the actual devices.
It seems when updating to iOS 13.3.1 Apple changed the behaviour of free apple developer accounts, no longer allowing them to use embedded frameworks.

The solution is to remove the use_frameworks! in your Podfile and replace it with use_modular_headers!


target 'your_project_name' do
pod 'RealmSwift'

This will include them as static libraries instead.
I stumbled upon the solution in this GitHub issue:

Flutter application not running in iPhone after upgrading iOS to 13.3.1

It's related to iOS 13.3.1 version and nothing to do with Flutter SDK.
Please read

It is fixed on iOS13.4 beta version.
Till then, avoid using personal teams for Automatic Code signing.

All my apps crashing on launch on physical iPhones

In your podfile comment the use_framework! line and run your pod install again.
It is a problem in iOS 13.3.1 with dynamic frameworks

App stop running on iOS after upgrading Flutter and Xcode

After many attempts and applying possible solutions now I think that the answers to this question depend on the project and dependencies and there can not be one only perfect solution.

- From my side to solve This problem what I have done is:

  • Back up the Existing project.
  • Create a new flutter project.
  • Copy the mentioned files from the existing project into the new project you just created.





  • Beside this files and folder you have to also copy the file which you manually updated in the Android or ios folder for your project.

After make sure you copied all files and folders you want for your project try running your newly created flutter project.

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