Xcode 6.0.1 Command /Applications/Xcode.App/Contents/Developer/
Toolchains/Xcodedefault.Xctoolchain/Usr/Bin/Swiftc Failed with Exit Code 1

Command /Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/
Swift_2.3.xctoolchain/usr/bin/swiftc failed with exit code 1

Steps that I followed to make it work:

  • Delete derived data
  • Delete Pod folder and Podfile.lock
  • Delete inside the project:

    • AppName.xcodeproj/xcuserdata
    • AppName.xcworkspace/xcuserdata
    • AppName.xcworkspace/xcshareddata

Afterwards, pod install and surprisingly it works.

Only working with emulator still having the error with the phone.

I redownload Xcode and now works normally. I keep without knowing the reason why brokes but it's now working.

ERROR swiftc failed with exit code 1 when converting to latest syntax

Have you tried to do clean with Clean build folder?

The combination keys is:


Xcode 6.0.1 Command /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/
Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/swiftc failed with exit code 1

This problem occurs when the Swift optimization level is not set to None for Release. Set the value to None and the issue goes away.

  1. Open up your project and click on the projects root directory.
  2. Click the build settings tab.
  3. Search for Swift Compiler - Code Generation and under Optimization Level make sure Release is set to None.


After upgrading to Xcode 6.1 these instructions caused other issues when archiving (building for debug/device worked fine). Setting the optimization to Fastest allowed me to archive again. There are apparent issues with Swift compiling still (archiving specifically).

Can't archive working 6.0.1 Swift project in Xcode 6.1 / Segmentation fault: 11

I was not able to fund the Build Settings tab, until I read this answer.

how to find the build settings tab

XCode - Command /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/
Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/swiftc failed with exit code 1

This is the result of a corrupted swift class. If you encounter a class looking similar to the following code:

Ôæ≠fiÔæ≠fiqcaJÔæ≠fihJ0ç硡ˇ2ç硡ˇ$5y$ġˇˇ% 7.ġˇˇÔæ≠fiÔæ≠fiP‚—ġˇˇ_x0010_fl‚ġˇˇ ˗ġˇˇ∞B‚ġˇˇÄ+€

Try to re-create the class or re-download it. This solved my problem and to me, it would look like the only solution possible for a corrupted class.

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