Xcode 12.5 Missing Entitlement Com.Apple.Developer.Associated-Appclip-App-Identifiers

Why does Xcode 12.5 `xcodebuild -archive` complain about a missing appclip entitlement in an app that does not have an AppClip?

This was solved by downloading a newly generated provisioning profile from Apple, which was identical to the original apart from the addition of an empty appclip-app-identifiers entry in the entitlements section.

Provisioning doesn't match the entitlements file's value for the com.apple.developer.parent-application-identifiers entitlement

There are two values that need to match up. First, locate the provisioning profile Xcode is using for your App Clip (they're in ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles) and inspect it by highlighting the file and pressing space. The parent ID value in there:

Sample Image

..has to match the same field in your .entitlements file in your App Clip target in Xcode. If it doesn't you can just edit the entitlement manually.

Sandbox entitlement to script iTunes via NSAppleScript

After contacting the Developer Technical Support of Apple, I was able to solve this problem, which is actually 2 problems in one.

First, the entitlements need to have the bundle identifiers properly cased. For iTunes, the entitlements must be like this (note the capital T in iTunes):


Then, the privilege violation will occur unless the AppleScript code includes of source 1 at the end like this :

tell application "iTunes" to add (POSIX file "your/path/to/mp3.mp3") to library playlist 1 of source 1

There you go!

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