Firebase Dynamic Link Doesnt Work in Safari Swift

Firebase Dynamic links - when clicked not working in iOS

Finally I am able to resolve the issue.
The initial step is to create a universal link in Firebase console.
Once the universal link is created , we have to do following changes in XCode:

  1. Enable associated domains under capablities
  2. Include URL types
  3. Must verify your Team ID that you would have provided in firebase console.

Once the universal link setup is completed in Xcode, we can do build and run and check the working of Universal link.

i.e. clicking the link should open the app (provided app is already installed).
and it should not open the safari browser.

If clicking the link opens safari browser , then there is a problem with the Universal link setup.

The below tutorial is very useful:

Firebase Dynamic Link doesn't redirect to the app when open through Safari

My problem was that in Xcode in Capabilities Tab in Associated Domains, in Domains field, I wrote wrong domain, instead of I wrote:, so i missed .app, after app_id, after changing it, it starts work correctly!

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