Icloud Document Picker from Wkwebview Dismissing Container View

How to open the Document files e.g(.pdf,.doc,.docx) in ios mobile when a button action using swift3.0?

Swift 3*, 4*,

To open document and select any document, you are using UIDocumentPickerViewController then all documents presented in your iCloud, Files and in Google Drive will be shown if Google Drive is connected in user device. Then selected document need to download in your app and from there you can show it in WKWebView,

   @IBAction func uploadNewResumeAction(_ sender: Any) {

/* let documentPicker = UIDocumentPickerViewController(documentTypes: ["com.apple.iwork.pages.pages", "com.apple.iwork.numbers.numbers", "com.apple.iwork.keynote.key","public.image", "com.apple.application", "public.item","public.data", "public.content", "public.audiovisual-content", "public.movie", "public.audiovisual-content", "public.video", "public.audio", "public.text", "public.data", "public.zip-archive", "com.pkware.zip-archive", "public.composite-content", "public.text"], in: .import) */

let documentPicker = UIDocumentPickerViewController(documentTypes: ["public.text", "com.apple.iwork.pages.pages", "public.data"], in: .import)

documentPicker.delegate = self
present(documentPicker, animated: true, completion: nil)

extension YourViewController: UIDocumentPickerDelegate{

func documentPicker(_ controller: UIDocumentPickerViewController, didPickDocumentAt url: URL) {

let cico = url as URL




Note: If you intend to select all files the you have to use following code:

  let documentPicker = UIDocumentPickerViewController(documentTypes: ["com.apple.iwork.pages.pages", "com.apple.iwork.numbers.numbers", "com.apple.iwork.keynote.key","public.image", "com.apple.application", "public.item","public.data", "public.content", "public.audiovisual-content", "public.movie", "public.audiovisual-content", "public.video", "public.audio", "public.text", "public.data", "public.zip-archive", "com.pkware.zip-archive", "public.composite-content", "public.text"], in: .import) 

In your action method.

My app is getting crashed on UIDocumentPickerViewController

See Prerequisite section on Apple Documentation:

Before your app can use the document picker, you must turn on the
iCloud Documents capabilities in Xcode

Sample Image

Let me know if this solve your problem!

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