Where to Set Environment Variables for App

Can I set an environment variable for an application using a shortcut in Windows?

Let the shortcut execute a batch file (.cmd), that

  • Sets the environment variable
  • execute the app
  • You use "START" to execute the app, this will start the app in another process, but it will copy the environment. You do not wait for the app to finish.
  • Now you can exit the batch file.

Should look like this:

@echo off
set path=%path%;C:\My Folder
start "Window Title" "Path to my exe"

Where to store environment variables in App Engine for CI/CD Pipeline?

For those looking, here is how I solved this problem.

I followed the steps outlined in this blog post.

Basically we set variables in the .yaml file, which we then compile into an .env file during the build process. We can set what the value of those variables is via Cloud Build configuration so we can restrict access to them and have them hidden.

How can I set environment variables in a Heroku app

In the Settings tab of your app, the option is present

How to add environment variables to Azure Container App

Azure Container App is in Preview and currently, not all settings are available in the Portal. You can use the CLI to add env variables:

az containerapp update -n MyContainerapp -g MyResourceGroup -v myenvvar=foo,anotherenvvar=bar

Refer to the CLI doc:

az containerapp --help

Trying to set environment variables in appSettings.json - Angular and Typescript

As stated in comment, appsettings.json is not for angular application. here you can go through this tutorial to find necessary steps for using enviornment.
here are some quick steps:

import { environment } from './../environments/environment';
const baseUrl: string = environment.baseUrl;

where environment.ts may look like

export const environment = {
production: false,
baseUrl: "http://localhost:45644/api/",

live example here

Where to set environment variables for app?

You can set environment variables via Xcode Schemes. To edit a scheme, select it in the top bar:

Editing a scheme in Xcode

Choose the Run mode and go to the Arguments tab, and there you go...

Setting environment variables in Xcode

By default, these settings are also used for the Test and Profile modes.

How to set environment variable in Azure for a App service

Just go to Configuration -> Application settings and create key value pairs that will be read by your application.

Sample Image

Sample Image

More info:

How do I add environment variables in IntelliJ Spring Boot project

The UI of Run/Debug Configurations has changed. Under 'Modify Options' select 'Environment Variables' under 'Operating System'.

Screenshot of explanation

How to add indepth environment variables in Azure Container Apps

This error Invalid value: "ConnectionStrings:MyContext": Invalid Environment Variable Name indicates that environment variable you are trying to define is unsupported.

Instead of using "ConnectionStrings:MyContext", use MyConnectionStrings_MyContext as your environment variable.

You can use the below command,

az containerapp update -n MyContainerapp -g MyResourceGroup -v MyConnectionStrings_MyContext=secretref:mycontextsecretkey

Reference : Set Environment variables to Azure Container App | Miha Jakovac

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