What Is Correct Format of Bundle Identifier in iOS

what is correct format of bundle identifier in iOS?

All the formats which you have mentioned are correct and can be used as bundle identifier. But the standard format followed is com.company.appname (reverse domain name).

What is basic rule to create a bundle idetifier in iOS app

The bundle ID string must be a uniform type identifier (UTI) that contains only alphanumeric characters (A-Z,a-z,0-9), hyphen (-), and period (.). The string should be in reverse-DNS format. For example, if your organization’s domain is Abc.com and you create an app named xyz, you could assign the string com.xyz.Hello as your app’s bundle ID.

XCode bundle identifier formatting from {PRODUCT_NAME}

Just type it in?

i.e. instead of com.mycompany.${PRODUCT_NAME:rfc1034identifier} just type com.mycompany.MyApp

If you have more than one target that need different bundle names, one way of doing it is to create your own variable and use that instead.

In the build menu (select your project and choose Get Info), you can add your own variables to the project. If you make one called MY_BUNDLE_NAME and set it to MyApp, you can then put com.mycompany.${MY_BUNDLE_NAME} in the plist file. You should be able to set MY_BUNDLE_NAME to different values for different targets.

What does bundle identifier mean in an iOS project?

According to Apple docs:

A bundle identifier lets iOS and macOS recognize any updates to your app. Your bundle ID must be registered with Apple and be unique to your app. Bundle IDs are app-type specific (either iOS or macOS). The same bundle ID cannot be used for both iOS and macOS apps.


Since Xcode 11.4, you can use same bundle identifier for both iOS and macOS app if you want to support universal purchase feature.

From Release Note

Xcode 11.4 supports building and distributing macOS apps as a universal purchase. To distribute your macOS app as a universal purchase, specify the same bundle identifier as your iOS app in the Xcode template assistant when creating a new project. If you have an existing project, edit its bundle identifier in the Project Editor.

What is the proper way to name a bundle identifier.?

Yes, com.companyname.appname is the proper way.

To remember it, think of it as a DNS name in reverse.

What should i give for bundle id

A bundle ID or bundle identifier uniquely identifies an application in the Apple store or Google Play Store. This means that no two applications can have the same bundle identifier. To avoid conflicts, it is encouraged that developers use reverse domain name notation for choosing an application's bundle identifier.

Eg: If your domain name is www.example.com, then your bundle ID
can be com.example.

Specific to your case, 'io.ionic.starter' or 'com.example' are default bundle IDs that come along while creating Ionic or Cordova projects. These IDs are not unique and any submission to the respective stores would be rejected. Please choose a bundle ID as per the description above or anything that is relevant, yet unique to your application.

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