Cant Find Custom Font - iOS

Cant find custom font - iOS

Look at all the available fonts


for(NSString* family in [UIFont familyNames]) {
NSLog(@"%@", family);
for(NSString* name in [UIFont fontNamesForFamilyName: family]) {
NSLog(@" %@", name);


for family: String in UIFont.familyNames() {
print("%@", family)
for name: String in UIFont.fontNamesForFamilyName(family) {
print(" %@", name)

..if it's not there, install again

  1. Copy the .ttf file into your project (i.e. drag it to the resource folder in the Project navigator).

  2. In your Info.plist add an entry with the key Fonts provided by application with an Array type. As Item 0, add a String value corresponding to the font file name (e.g. OpenSans-ExtraBoldItalic.ttf).

  3. Make sure the font file is included in the copy bundle resources list under the project settings.

Xcode does not detect custom font

I tried all the suggestions but it didn't work. Hardware reset resolved my issue

can't find the name of custom font added to xcode 7

Did you try something like:

[yourlabel setFont:[UIFont fontWithName:@"PT Sans" size:20]];

Xcode 8 custom font doesn't show up in interface builder

Try Below Steps: Code tested in Swift 3.

Step 1: Add Your custom font into your project( Make sure Add to Target
ticked).I am using "PermanentMarker.ttf","Pecita.otf" and "AROLY.ttf" font as a test font.

Note: Supporting font Type ttf and otf (Both font types should work)

Step 2: Modify the application-info.plist file.
Add the key "Fonts provided by application" in a new row and add "PermanentMarker.ttf" as new item in the Array "Fonts provided by application".

Your plist should looks like this

Sample Image

Now the font will be available in Interface Builder. To use the custom font in code we need to refer to it by name, but the name often isn’t the same as the font’s filename

Now, You can access the Custom Font from your viewController. I am testing the font by placing a UIlabel to the Storyboard like below.

Update 2: Working Solution

After, imported your custom font and updated your plist.selectlabel from your storyBoard,goto Attributes Inspectorunder Label>Text type> select to Attributed and choose your custom font from the list.

Sample Image

Sample Image

Sample Image


Sample Image

Update 1

If your custom font still not listed in Xcode font list.check the related link to your issue


  • custom font not displaying on some simulator

Note: Still,You can assign BebasNeue or custom font programatically to your label or button etc. even its not showing in your interface Builder.If you having trouble setting font to your object programatically.try below method.

Assign font to UILabel:

    label?.font = UIFont(name: "BebasNeue", size: 35) // Set to any size

Assign font to UIButton:

    button.titleLabel?.font = UIFont(name: "BebasNeue", size: 35)

Assign font to UITextField:

    textField.font = UIFont(name: "BebasNeue", size: 25) 

Assign font to UINavigationBar:

    navigationController?.navigationBar.titleTextAttributes = [NSFontAttributeName: UIFont(name: "BebasNeue", size: 25)!, NSForegroundColorAttributeName:]

Assign font to UIToolBar:

    UIBarButtonItem.appearance().setTitleTextAttributes([NSFontAttributeName: UIFont(name: "BebasNeue", size: 25.0)!], for: UIControlState.normal)


Sample Image

Custom Fonts not showing on Xcode 11 (macOS Catalina)

Unfortunately, the only solution for me was a fresh install of mac os catalina. Now everything works correctly in xCode interface builder.

Can't add custom font to Xcode

The name of the font is not always the name of the file. Try looking for the file and then opening in. It should automatically pull it up in font book, and the name of the font is located on the top bar. Simply enter that instead of the file name and it should work.

Custom Font in IOS Not Reflected On Device

Thank you @Andrey Chernuka and @jcaron. I solved the problem by setting the target membership to my project and then exiting the project (cleaning did not work for some reason) and reopening the project and everything was set. the font name was appearing when i printed print (UIFont.familyNames())

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