Value of Type 'string' Has No Member 'stringbytrimmingcharactersinset'

Value of type 'String' has no member 'stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet'

The new syntax is like this:

var cString = hex.trimmingCharacters(in: CharacterSet.whitespacesAndNewlines).uppercased()

As a suggestion, you don't need to specify that cString is a String, as this is assumed with the value you are assigning to it.

What is the new way to trim a String?

Swift3 inctroduced a lot of changes shortening api names and making them more 'swiftly'. Your code would look the following in swift3:

let st = s.trimmingCharacters(in: unwantedChars)

Error Value of type 'String' has no member 'URLbyAppending' with my Record Function

Your getDocumentsDirectory function, which you should have included, apparently returns a string, not a URL. Fix it by using stringByAppendingPathComponent.

Alternatively, you can change your getDocumentsDirectory function to return a url directly and changing your calling to:

func getDocumentsDirectory() throws -> NSURL {
return try NSFileManager.defaultManager().URLForDirectory(.DocumentDirectory, inDomain: .UserDomainMask, appropriateForURL: nil, create: true)

let audioUrl = try getDocumentsDirectory().URLByAppendingPathComponent("recording.m4a")

Note that since getDocumentsDirectory can throw (URLForDirectory can throw) getDocumentsDirectory must be called with try.

Value type of string? Has no member components. (Struct)

There's no reason to use NSDictionary here. Just use a native Swift dictionary (with a literal).

public struct Destinos {
public let idDestino : Int?
public let desDestino : String?

public func toDictionary() -> [String: Any?] {
return [
"idDestino": idDestino,
"desDestino": desDestino

As for generating your array, you have two issues:
1. components(seperatedBy:) is misspelt
2. cadena.desDestino is an is a String? (Also known as a Optional<String>) which hasn't been unwrapped. The nicest way to take care of this is to use optional chaining, and then use nil coalescence (??) to make it an empty array in the case cadena.desDestino is nil.

var cadena = Destinos(
idDestino: 123,
desDestino: "HOLA, nada, algo, otra, cosa, mas que eso"

let array = cadena.desDestino?.components(separatedBy: ", ") ?? []

Value of type 'Tags' has no member 'lastUsed'

The problem is that the declarations of name and lastUsed have an invisible character (U+200B = "ZERO WIDTH SPACE") as the last character of the identifier.

Here is a short example demonstrating what seems to be a paradox. The first print statement does not compile, but the last one does:

struct Tags {
let name​ = "name"

print(Tags().name) // (1) Error: Value of type 'Foo' has no member 'name'
print(Tags().name​) // (2) No error

Unfortunately, Xcode does not display this character, even if “Editor->Invisibles” is switched on. Opening the file in vi shows the issue:

struct Tags {
let name<200b> = "name"

print(Tags().name) // (1) Error: Value of type 'Foo' has no member 'name'
print(Tags().name<200b>) // (2) No error

Note that invisible characters are allowed in identifier names, this has been discussed in the Swift forum.

The first print statement was created with Xcode's code completion and Xcode omits the trailing invisible character. I would consider that a bug.

The second print statement was created by carefully copying the name​ identifier including the trailing invisible character.

Summary: Swift identifiers can contain invisible characters, but those do not work well with Xcode's code completion and cause only confusion. Rewriting all occurrences of those identifiers fixes the issue.

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