Getting Email Address from Linkedin API

How to get an email address with a LinkedIn signup API with PHP

The email address is only available to the authenticated user and not his/her connections.

  1. Make sure you've requested the r_emailaddress member permissions from the user when authorizing your application. Authentication covers authentication and grant member permissions in detail.

  2. Make the following GET call to fetch the email address for the authenticated user:


Getting Email Address from LinkedIn API

You should use:

[self.client GET:[NSString stringWithFormat:@",first-name,last-name,maiden-name,email-address)?oauth2_access_token=%@&format=json", accessToken] parameters:nil success:^(AFHTTPRequestOperation *operation, NSDictionary *result)

This may helps :)

How do I get a user's email address using LinkedIn's new api call?

You need to get new API-keys and then make requests as they are working on migration see this

LinkedIn API: GET public profile from e-mail

There are three ways to match a user's email address with a LinkedIn profile.

  1. Have a special partnership with LinkedIn which allows you access to non-public API functions. This is very hard, and per my understanding, they only consider big guys (Startups with serious funding, established companies...)

  2. Retrieve the user's details from another social network via email (Facebook used to allow that, not sure these days), and then perform a faceted search in LinkedIn's API using details other than the email (name, job title, location...) . You will get accurate results lots of times.

  3. Use a 3rd party service such as in order to get you those results.

I'm not sure if you'll be breaking any LinkedIn TOS, it all depends on what you're trying to achieve. So make sure you thoroughly read their TOS.

How do I get an email address from the LinkedIn API

Made a stupid mistake.

Turns out I forgot to set permission to access the Email Address, in the code.

// Build the list of member permissions our LinkedIn session requires
private static Scope buildScope() {

Changed to:

// Build the list of member permissions our LinkedIn session requires
private static Scope buildScope() {
return, Scope.R_EMAILADDRESS);

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