Use Xcode 8 with iOS 11

Use Xcode 8 with iOS 11

Check this out: As of now this is only for Debugging on iOS device not Simulator

  1. Download the SDK from Apple
  2. Copy this iOS 11.0 image file to: /Applications/
  3. Restart Xcode.

How to run XCode 8 project on IOS 11

Xcode 8 can't run with iOS 11 (only Xcode 9+).

But wait! There's a way; build an IPA and install it manually with iTunes to the device with iOS 11. But you won't have debug.

Application works on iphone 11 but not for iphone 8

1 Method :
if you want to use dark mode then you can change the colours as aspected in the dark mode like this

 if #available(iOS 12.0, *)
if self.traitCollection.userInterfaceStyle == .dark
self.view.backgroundColor = .white
self.view.backgroundColor = .black
self.view.backgroundColor = .black

2. Method : If you want your colours as aspected in the light mode. Then you must add below line in the info.plist file


Using iOS8 and later devices with Xcode

Up to iOS 12.1 is available

You can download DeveloperDiskImage.dmg here or here


1.Download Zip file and extract.

2.Click on "Finder" in MAC OS

3.Click on "Go to Folder"

4.Paste /Applications/ . Otherwise go to Applications > Right Click on Xcode > Show Package Contents and follow the directories above.

5.Reboot Device + Xcode + Mac

Create a iPad Simulator with iOS version 11.3.1

Unfortunately, there was no iOS 11.3.1 simulator released. iOS 11.3.1 was a device-only update. I would expect any issues related to iOS 11.3.1 to also appear with either iOS 11.3 or iOS 11.4, so those should be sufficient.

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