Uitextfield Not Getting Keyboard Input

UITextField not getting keyboard input

I finally found the problem:
SVProgressHUD calls makeKeyAndVisible when it's initialized, because it wants to receive keyboard notifications for repositioning. I looked up what the "Key Window" actually is and found out:

...The key window responds to user input...

Now, as the UIWindow of the SVProgressHUD was the keyWindow, my other window, which contained the UITextField did not get the user input.

I finally call makeKeyWindow on the AppDelegate's window and everything is working fine.

I hope this helps anyone with similar problems.

UITextField - can not input text. Keyboard does not responds

A better late, than never :)

Thanks all, but as i found a long time ago, the problem was in NOT resigned responder in some previous views.
In this case, view was covered by other one, but responder was not changed.

Maybe someone will find this useful.

UIKeyboard not appearing when tapping on UITextField

Following will fix the keyboard issue

Simulator -> Hardware -> Keyboard -> Toggle Software Keyboard should solve this problem.

![Simulator->Hardware->Keyboard->Toggle Software Keyboard]

UIKeyboard not appearing when tapping on UITextField in my app

Click on simulator just see on the top menu and go :-

Hardware -> keyboard -> Toggle Software Keyboard

UITextField keyboard doesn't appear

I already figured out by myself!
I had tha UITextField in a UIViewController that gets presented from another view controller
who responds to motion events, and that previous View Controller was allways the First Responder.
All I had to do was everytime i leave the controller's view in viewWillDisappear:(BOOL)animated, i called [self resignFirstResponder]; and that was all.

UITextField functionality with no keyboard


In the end, I discovered another similar (but not exact) question here on stackoverflow, and one answer gave a solution to my problem. The way to go about it is simply to have the app display a dummy View as the keyboard, and everything else works the way it should.

UIView *dummyView = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 1, 1)];    
VIN.inputView = dummyView; // Hide keyboard, but show blinking cursor

It works for UITextField and UITextView and they need to be set to editable.

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