Container View Getting Pushed Down as If It Had a Uinavigationbar

Container View getting pushed down as if it had a UINavigationBar?

What you are missing here is that a translucent navigation bar sits on top of your viewcontroller's view, while a non-translucent navigation bar pushes down your view controller's view (effectively resizing it).

So what is happening here is that with a translucent navigation bar, that white space is actually hidden underneath the bar, while when the bar is not translucent it's "pushed down".

There are a number of ways to go about it, and it mainly depends on whether you're using auto layout or not.

setNavigationBar translucent pushes view down

The property you want to set is extendedLayoutIncludesOpaqueBars, if this property is set to YES then your view will layout the same as if the navigation bar were translucent.

You mentioned that you're not using storyboards, but for others who do this can be set in the Attributes Inspector for the view controller under the 'Extend Edges' section by ticking the checkbox titled 'Under Opaque Bars'.

How can I keep the container view getting effected by the UINavigationBar

So, it seems the problem wasn't specific to Container Views. I tried the same thing with prototype cells in a regular UITableView inside my UIViewController that has the UINavigationController, and the same thing happened. It appears this is an auto-layout problem or something. So as far as a solution goes, I don't have a real one other than, just make the Container or UITableView as large as the UIViewController in Storyboards.

Add children view controller in a controller that pushed in a navigation controller

The problem cause is by default UIViewController's view has FlexibleWidth &

bController and cController's view has extra gap 64 pixel (navBar(44) + status bar(20)). Now when you resize it has those 'FlexibleWidth&FlexibleHeight` to play with.

Solution could be making autoresizingMask to .None

override func viewDidLoad() {

view.backgroundColor = UIColor.greenColor()

bController = b()
cController = c()

bController.view.autoresizingMask = .None
cController.view.autoresizingMask = .None

displayContentController(bController, toFrame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 100, height: 100))
displayContentController(cController, toFrame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 100, width: 100, height: 100))

UINavigationController NavigationBar extra space at the top of the view

You need to set Adjust Scroll View Insets to false. To fix it try:


Code: self.automaticallyAdjustsScrollViewInsets = NO;

Animating down the position of a UINavigationBar from a UINavigationController - iOS

Your research is excellent already, and your conclusions are pretty much spot on. A UINavigationController's navigation bar's isn't yours to move or resize, animated or not. It isn't your navigation bar, period. If you really want a view controller that acts this way, write your own parent view controller (as you very reasonably suggest).

In a container view, a navigation controller's navigation bar not resizing to include status bar

You need to turn automaticallyAdjustsScrollViewInsets off for all of your child view controllers and manage the insets (or setup so they aren't required) yourself. By default automaticallyAdjustsScrollViewInsets is on for all view controllers (which is what you want for 'full screen' presented VCs.

At the moment you see controllers almost randomly updating to reorganise themselves for the scroll insets as the VC hierarchy changes.

I'd probably turn automaticallyAdjustsScrollViewInsets off for all VCs (apart from root) and change your header view so that it's full height or status bar height (which should be the length of the topLayoutGuide of the root VC). When collapsed to status bar height your header view could also change colour to match that of the current top VC.

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