Firebase Cocoapods Installation Not Working

Firebase CocoaPods Installation Not Working

Check what version of Firebase is installed when you use pod 'Firebase'. For me it installs 2.4.3 which is an old version. The docs say that the pod should install 3.2 using that pod. It explains why the other pods don't work as they are part of Firebase 3. Pod update doesn't update Firebase to the latest version either. Even forcing a version doesn't work. It can't seem to find the new Firebase versions even though they are in the same podspec.

Here is how I solved it:

  • make sure you have the latest version of git installed

  • make sure you have cocoapods >= 1.0.0 installed

  • delete your pods repo (run pod repo remove master) and use pod setup to make a new one

  • use the following in your pod file

    pod 'Firebase/Auth'

    pod 'Firebase/Database'

    pod 'Firebase/Core'

(use whatever you want, just don't use 'Firebase')

  • pod install
  • everything should install properly

Error Installing 'pod Firebase/Firestore' in my iOS app

Ok so after some struggle I got the solution to my problem. My pod repo was somewhat outdated and because of that I was unable to install the pod. The error in the terminal was reading something like 'Unexpected token by boringSSL...'

I performed the following commands to remove my pod repository and reinstalled it, after which the pod installed correctly:

pod repo remove master
pod setup
pod install

How do I resolve the pod install error on flutter?

As the error said, we have incompatibility with the firebase package so:
I went to the Podfile and upgrade to 10 (platform :ios, '10.0') and the error go away;

as additional note:
I had that line commented before, so my first try was uncomment and upgrade to 9, but it wasn't work.

I am unable to install the firebase cocoa pod on my Mac

Running conda install libssh2 solved the problem for me.

Pod install Firebase/Analytics fails

You need to update the pod repo. So try the following command from command line.

pod repo update

If the error still there then you may need to upgrade the cocoa pods.

sudo gem install cocoapods 

I was facing the same error while integrating firebase storage in my flutter project. I did pod repo update and the issue gone.


If you manually added firebase analytics pod in pod file then just remove it.

You need to add dependancy in .yaml file in flutter project.

firebase_analytics: ^6.0.0

Check here for more details.

NOTE: While working on flutter project you do not need to install any library using pod(iOS) or gradle(android) unless very specific requirement.

IF there is any specific platform requirement then you need to add pod file for iOS project like below...

You need to write the line pod 'Firebase/Analytics' inside target 'Runner' do...end block like below...

 # Uncomment the next line to define a global platform for your project
platform :ios, '10.0'

target 'Runner' do

# Comment the next line if you don't want to use dynamic frameworks

# Pods for Runner

# add the Firebase pod for Google Analytics
pod 'Firebase/Analytics'


CocoaPods could not find compatible versions for pod Firebase/CoreOnly

Try calling pod repo update

if the issue is not fixed

delete the Podfile.lock in the root directory, after that run pod install

Error running pod install: How to solve this problem?

On M1 macs, this is a known issue. Here's what you should do.

  1. Run this command (need to be run only first time)
sudo arch -x86_64 gem install ffi

  1. Install your pods like this.
arch -x86_64 pod install

Going forward, you need to run only the second command for pod install.

Source 1 : Got error while trying pod install #10220

Source 2 : pod install /w m1 macbook #10518

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