Firinstanceid/Warning Stop!! Will Reset Deviceid from Memory [Xcode:Console Log]

FIRInstanceID/WARNING STOP!! Will reset deviceID from memory [Xcode : Console Log]

Apparently Enabling your app's KeyChain Sharing in Capabilities does the trick!

keychain sharing

After enabling your capabilities , app.entitlements should look something like this:-


Also See:- Firebase Group Talk

A console full of FIRInstanceID/WARNING - Xcode 8 / iOS10

Just to update, these errors should no longer appear in the latest version of Firebase when using the Xcode 8.2+ version of the simulator. There was an issue (in fact a couple) with the simulator, and some overly aggressive logging in InstanceID.

Firebase error creating a register and login

First Enable this from firebase
Sample Image

// For Firebase Login code :

@IBAction func OnLoginButtonClicked(sender: AnyObject) {

FIRAuth.auth()?.signInWithEmail(Username.text!, password: Password.text!, completion: {

user , error in
if error != nil {

print("Wrong Password ")
else {
print("Login Successfully :)")

// Create For New Account

@IBAction func OnCreateButtonClicked(sender:AnyObject){

FIRAuth.auth()?.createUserWithEmail(Username.text!, password: Password.text!, completion: {
user , error in

if error != nil {

print("Account Does't Created ! Something went to Wrong !")

else {

print("Account Created Successfully :)")



Firebase Xcode output in console

You probably have a mix of 3 types of output

  1. Xcode Console "garbage" -- Definitely give that solution you linked to another try. Sometimes you need to delete and re-install your app for it to take, but that will clean up nearly all the stuff that begins with nw_ (And there's a lot of it!)

  2. Normal Firebase output. This should be about 8-10 lines or so.

  3. A bunch of scary-looking FIRInstanceID warnings. While you can generally ignore these warnings, they are kind of annoying / scary, so I would recommend fixing them by adding KeyChain sharing in your capabilities as described in this post.

Stop / Hide GTMSessionFetcher Logs SwiftUI

Follow below steps:-

  1. Open Xcode and find GTMSessionFetcher folder
  2. Select GTMSessionFetcher Class
  3. Comment the GTMSessionFetcher Log Debug line.

Please Check the attached screenshot.


Token Issue with Firebase

I figured out a solution for this issue. It turns out that there is a keychain bug with Xcode 8. To resolve this issue, I enabled my app's KeyChain Sharing in the Capabilities section. I hope this helps anyone with the same issue.

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