Uicollectionview - iOS 10 - Crash on iPhone 6 Plus Simulator But Works on Real Device

AVPlayer causes Simulator to crash but runs fine on device

It is likely that you have an exception breakpoint enabled. The play method in AVPlayer normally throws an exception, even though nothing is wrong. The exception doesn't crash the app, and the app then continues to run exactly as you wanted it to. If you have exception breakpoints enabled, however, Xcode notices the exception and crashes the app. If you go into the left sidebar and disable your exception breakpoint the app will run without crashing.

uicollection view crash

The issue might be experienced because of the use of XCode beta release. Try using the latest stable release of XCode and issue with simulator only will hopefully go away.

Spritekit app crashes when run on device, works on simulator after swift 3 conversion

This worked for me. I had to disable Metal verification by editing the scheme (Command-Option-R) is one way to get there, go to the Options tab. Set Metal API Validation to Disabled.

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