"Invariant Violation: Application Awesomeproject Has Not Been Registered" When Building for iOS Device with Static Jsbundle

Invariant Violation: Application AwesomeProject has not been registered When building for iOS device with static jsbundle

I'm pretty sure @krazyeom's fix has nothing to do with this error. In my case, I fixed this by quitting the terminal that was running from a previous test app I had run. It seems the terminal was confused and was still hooked to a process whose project was no longer loaded in XCode. Try the following:

  1. Shut the Terminal spawned by React Native.
  2. Shut down XCode completely (may not be necessary).
  3. Re-open everything and re-run.

Updated react native to v0.6.0 - Error: Invariant Violation: Application TestApp has not been registered.

I think I figured out the prolblem. It had to do with a component I was using, in my case react-native-device. What I had to do to fix it was delete the node_modules folder located in the component. AppName/node_modules/React-Native-Component/node_modules.

I also updated the dependencies in the package.json file also located in the component folder AppName/node_modules/React-Native-Component/package.json and change the react-native dependency to (or something similar):

  "peerDependencies": {
"react-native": ">= 0.4.0 < 1"


You can also try restarting the computer. I've noticed with that node starts opening multiple processes and that can cause issues.

Update 2

From the project root folder run in terminal:

./node_modules/react-native/packager/packager.sh --reset-cache 

A combination of all the fixes above has fixed it for me. Hope this helps someone.

React native ios xcode producing corrupt archives

Finally got the archives to be successfully built, and this is what I believe fixed it.

Under the "Products" folder, my [AppName].app was highlighted in red. After going to the Product -> Build, it ran and successfully finished and the [AppName].app was no longer red. Without cleaning the build folder, I just ran Product -> Archive and it successfully Archived. When opening the archive in Finder, "Products", "dSYMs", "BCSymbolMaps", "SCMBlueprint" and the Info.plist were all there.

Before doing that, I also ran 'pod deintegrate' and then 'pod install', but not sure if that was part of the solution.

Hopefully this helps someone else that might be experiencing the same issues.

Happy Building!

React Native application doesn't show up on settings in iOS

In my case, I came across this and I followed these instructions :

Adding the Settings Bundle Open your workspace inner ios folder with
xcode To add a Settings bundle to your Xcode project: Choose File >
New > New File. Under iOS, choose Resource, and then select the
Settings Bundle template. Name the file Settings.bundle.

My application was available on the Settings application on iOS, and I just updated the file with my permissions.

From now, the purpose of this file is to manually add some permission, or information (like the version code).

But the automatic permissions like geolocation will be added automatically.

Cannot Adjust current top of stack beyond available views - Error only when Debug in Chrome is turned Off

I found the answer.

Interestingly, React-Native seems to use a different version of Javascript when the debugger is on. I was trying to use a ES5 function for formatting text as currency, and it worked fine as long as the debugger (and browser) are on. However, turning this off forces react-native to use their specific javascript core which did not support that javascript function.

I fixed it by using a different function. The error should be more specifc to explain you are doing something illegal.

React Native - ios - loading from pre-budled file fails

Ok ... so after a few hours of digging and playing around I solved this problem. First I needed to disable the chrome debugging feature command + option + z This was what was causing the the

Uncaught NetworkError: Failed to execute 'importScripts' on 
'WorkerGlobalScope': The script at
81A6D1DFCA2A/Eastern%20Car%20Service.app/main.jsbundle' failed to
load.messageHandlers.executeApplicationScript @
debuggerWorker.js:18onmessage @ debuggerWorker.js:42

then I got the error described in this post "Invariant Violation: Application AwesomeProject has not been registered" When building for iOS device with static jsbundle ...
I ended up renaming my app from App to a more appropriate name in both AppDelegate.m and my root component. And boom ... it worked. I think the big take away is to ensure that chrome debugger is disabled when trying to load from a bundle.

reactNative listView xcode error Cannot adjust current top of stack beyond available views

Looks like you return a wrong data. Check the output of your function (in the set state) and try again.

The problem isn't new:
React-native on IOS: cannot adjust current top of stack beyond available views

Application main thread has not been registered in react native

When you are using rnplay, You need to call


instead of

AppRegistry.registerComponent('HelloWorldApp', () => HelloWorldApp);

Sample Hello world example

import React from 'react';
import {
} from 'react-native-playground';
import {
} from 'react-native';

class HelloWorldApp extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
<View style={styles.container}>
<Text style={styles.instructions}>
Hello world

const styles = StyleSheet.create({
container: {
flex: 1,
justifyContent: 'center',
alignItems: 'center',
backgroundColor: '#fff',
instructions: {
fontSize: 16,
textAlign: 'center',
margin: 15,


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