Swift 3 - How to Verify Class Type of Object

How to get the object type in Swift3

Expanding on @jglasse's answer, you can get the type of an object by using

let theType = type(of: someObject)

You can then get a string from that by

let typeString = String(describing: type)

Or in one line:

let typeString = String(describing: type(of: someObject))

Swift 3: How to *specify* class of object, ruling out parent memberships?

You can use something like:

if type(of: self) == Parent.self {
// this only runs for exact type matches, not subclasses

That checks for equality of the types rather than polymorphic conformance of the instance (i.e. self is Parent)

Checking if an object is a given type in Swift

If you want to check against a specific type you can do the following:

if let stringArray = obj as? [String] {
// obj is a string array. Do something with stringArray
else {
// obj is not a string array

You can use "as!" and that will throw a runtime error if obj is not of type [String]

let stringArray = obj as! [String]

You can also check one element at a time:

let items : [Any] = ["Hello", "World"]
for obj in items {
if let str = obj as? String {
// obj is a String. Do something with str
else {
// obj is not a String

How do you find out the type of an object (in Swift)?

Swift 3 version:

type(of: yourObject)

How to check whether an object is kind of a dynamic class type in swift?

Personally, I think @JeremyP's suggestion to use Mirror is the best; though I would make a couple of tweaks to it:

/// Conditionally cast `x` to a given dynamic metatype value, taking into consideration
/// class inheritance hierarchies.
func conditionallyCast(_ x: T, to destType: U.Type) -> U? {

if type(of: x) is AnyClass && destType is AnyClass { // class-to-class

let isCastable = sequence(
first: Mirror(reflecting: x), next: { $0.superclassMirror }
.contains { $0.subjectType == destType }

return isCastable ? (x as! U) : nil

// otherwise fall back to as?
return x as? U

Here we're using sequence(first:next:) to create a sequence of metatypes from the dynamic type of x through any superclass metatypes it might have (probably the first use of the function I've seen that doesn't look awful :P). In addition, we're falling back to doing an as? cast when we know we're not doing a class-to-class cast, which allows the function to also work with protocol metatypes.

Then you can simply say:

extension Sequence {
func ofType(_ metatype: T.Type) -> [T] {
return flatMap { conditionallyCast($0, to: metatype) }

protocol P {}
class Animal {}
class Mammal: Animal {}
class Monkey: Mammal, P {}
class Pig: Mammal {}
class Human: Mammal, P {}

let animals = [Monkey(), Pig(), Human(), Mammal(), Animal()]

let animalType: Animal.Type = Mammal.self
print(animals.ofType(animalType)) // [Monkey, Pig, Human, Mammal]

print(animals.ofType(P.self)) // [Monkey, Human]

Another option, assuming you're on an Apple platform (i.e have access to the Objective-C runtime), is to use the the Objective-C metaclass method isSubclass(of:) in order to check if a given metatype is equal, or is a subclass of another:

import Foundation

/// Conditionally cast `x` to a given dynamic metatype value, taking into consideration
/// class inheritance hierarchies.
func conditionallyCast(_ x: T, to destType: U.Type) -> U? {

let sourceType = type(of: x)

if let sourceType = sourceType as? AnyClass,
let destType = destType as? AnyClass { // class-to-class

return sourceType.isSubclass(of: destType) ? (x as! U) : nil

// otherwise fall back to as?
return x as? U

This works because on Apple platforms, Swift classes are built on top of Obj-C classes – and therefore the metatype of a Swift class is an Obj-C metaclass object.

Better way to check the instance is kind from list of classes?

If I think about it logically, it would make a lot more sense to define a superclass / protocol for them, something like this:

class MyClassNumber { }

class MyClassOne: MyClassNumber { }
class MyClassTwo: MyClassNumber { }
class MyClassLetter { }

let one = MyClassOne()
let two = MyClassTwo()
let letter = MyClassLetter()

if one is MyClassNumber {

if two is MyClassNumber {

if letter is MyClassLetter {

Don't see any use case for yours

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