Customizing the More Menu on a Tab Bar

Customizing the More menu on a Tab bar

visibleCells is populated only after the moreNavigationController is displayed.

And the cells are created at runtime, so even if you change the content of the cells, they are replaced when they are displayed.

One thing to try would be to replace the datasource of the moreNavigationController tableView, call the cellForRowAtIndexPath of the original datasource and change its content before returning it.

Using the code below, after having displayed once the moreNavigationController to initialize it, you'll see that when you return to the moreNavigationController, the cells are red, but return immediately to white background.

UITableView *view = (UITableView *)self.tabBarController.moreNavigationController.topViewController.view;
if ([[view subviews] count]) {
for (UITableViewCell *cell in [view visibleCells]) {
cell.backgroundColor = [UIColor redColor];

How to set the more tab bar's edit view's navigation bar black?

The link has a slightly hackie solution that involves listening to when the modal view will appear.

Colouring fun with moreNavigationController

Until iOS5+ enables us to do it in a cleaner way.

How to configure the More menu on the tab bar

Yes, you can reposition tabs. Just drag the icon you want down to the UITabBar and it will replace for the icon you drop over.

iPhone : Custom tabbar without the awful More menu

I should finalize this thread. I have been having the stuff above in a App Store for a year and it has caused massive problems in the long run. It works, but it quirks when you rely on the built in features of UITabbarcontroller as it messes around with the view stack.

After going around this hot ash for over a year we decided to build our own tabbarcontroller/menucontroller. Thta took like a day and have freed us from all the fixes and quirks.
My hack works, but I recommend building your own navigation class - it will pay off in the long run :-)

Custom Tab Bar Menu with horizontal swipe

You can use a UIScrollView and add child viewcontrollers to it. I made an extension to UIViewController that easily allows you to create a swipe view.

extension UIViewController {
public func addViewControllerToContainer(viewController: UIViewController, count: CGFloat = 0, container: UIScrollView, heightDecrease: CGFloat = 0, startIndex: CGFloat = 0) {

let multiplier: CGFloat = count

container.contentSize.width += viewController.view.frame.width
container.contentSize.height = viewController.view.frame.height - heightDecrease

container.frame = CGRect(x: viewController.view.frame.origin.x, y: viewController.view.frame.origin.y, width: viewController.view.frame.width, height: viewController.view.frame.height - heightDecrease)
container.frame.origin.y += heightDecrease

container.contentOffset.x = container.frame.width * startIndex

viewController.view.frame.size.width = container.frame.width
viewController.view.frame.size.height = container.frame.height
viewController.view.frame.size.height -= heightDecrease
viewController.view.frame.origin.x = container.frame.width * multiplier


public func addViewControllersToContainer(viewControllers: [UIViewController], container: UIScrollView, heightDecrease: CGFloat = 0, startIndex: CGFloat) {
var count: CGFloat = 0
for viewController in viewControllers {
addViewControllerToContainer(viewController: viewController, count: count, container: container, heightDecrease: heightDecrease, startIndex: startIndex)
count += 1

class MainSwipeViewController: UIViewController {

let viewControllers: [UIViewController] = [VC1, VC2, VC3] // view controllers swiped between
let startIndex: CGFloat = 0 // which viewController to begin at (0 means first)

let mainScrollView: UIScrollView = {
let scrollView = UIScrollView()
scrollView.backgroundColor = .lightGray
scrollView.isPagingEnabled = true
scrollView.showsHorizontalScrollIndicator = false
scrollView.bounces = false
scrollView.contentInsetAdjustmentBehavior = .never
scrollView.backgroundColor = UIColor.clear
return scrollView

private func addViewControllers(_ vc: UIViewController, viewControllers: [UIViewController], startIndex: CGFloat = 0) {
addViewControllersToContainer(viewControllers: viewControllers, container: mainScrollView, startIndex: startIndex)

override func viewDidLoad() {
addViewControllers(self, viewControllers: viewControllers, startIndex: startIndex)

As for the tabbar menu, you can easily create that by implementing UIScrollViewDelegate in MainSwipeViewController

extension MainSwipeViewController: UIScrollViewDelegate {
func scrollViewDidScroll(_ scrollView: UIScrollView) {
let contentOffset = scrollView.contentOffset.x / view.frame.width

contentOffset is the interval of your swipe and increases by one everytime you swipe. This will help you animate the blue bar in your menu.

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