Password Autofill for iOS App

How to get Password AutoFill to work with ASWebAuthenticationSession?

The only working and clean solution I've found after a loooong research is adding a post login page as suggested here. This way the save credentials prompt won't be dissmissed.

Unfortunately I didn't found any solution from the iOS side, it would be really appreciated since in my case I can't change the server side due to project restrictions.

Password AutoFill for iOS App

I asked about this at the developer labs at WWDC and was informed that it's possible. The key is that the new password autofill is based on the existing Shared Web Credentials API, which works both ways. If you use that API to save credentials from your app, they'll be available in Mobile Safari. Shared Web Credentials was the topic of a 2014 WWDC session.

I haven't tried it yet, but based on the source I'm pretty confident that it should work.

How to save credentials in app to allow AutoFill feature?

You’ll certify who you are, via Apple, when you create your app, to prove the following:

  1. That your app will be using the Associated Domains capability.
  2. That your Team ID is, in fact, valid.

Check out this tutorial for help How To Secure Your App’s Passwords with Safari AutoFill in iOS 8

Password-Autofill: Can I place apple-app-site-association file elsewhere instead of root directory or .well-known

There's a security reason why it has to be on the root directory or .well-known, it means that you have control of that domain.

If you could specify custom paths somehow I could upload a file to Github, for example, and then tell Apple to find the association file on my custom URL and claim the domain.

Your backend dev will have to make it happen somehow, maybe suggest the .well-known folder alternative.

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