Display UI (Storyboard Possibly) with Broadcast UI Extension

Display UI (storyboard possibly) with Broadcast UI Extension

So I reached out to Apple technical support incident(regrettably), they suggested I add "NSExtensionMainStoryboard" to the info.plist of the broadcast UI extension similar to Greg's answer, when that didn't work I sent over my code and we found out that I also had to delete "NSExtensionPrincipalClass" key from the same place as that was preventing it from loading, after that it worked fine.

Fails running sample project with Broadcast Upload Extension on iOS device

I've updated XCode version to 12.1 and it's working now.

Display custom error message from iOS broadcasting extension

I'm getting customized error with this set of parameters:

let userInfo = [NSLocalizedFailureReasonErrorKey: "failed to broadcast because...."]
NSError(domain: "ScreenShare", code: -1, userInfo: userInfo)

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