Transit Mkdirectionsrequest Produces Null Error Error Domain=Mkerrordomain Code=5 "(Null)"

Transit MKDirectionsRequest produces null error Error Domain=MKErrorDomain Code=5 (null)

Routing directions for transit is currently not supported (iOS 9). MKDirectionsRequest will return a null error, as you observed.

This only seems to be documented directly in MapKit's headers. Take a look at the comment for the Transit type.

//  MKDirectionsTypes.h

@available(iOS 7.0, *)
public struct MKDirectionsTransportType : OptionSetType {
public init(rawValue: UInt)

public static var Automobile: MKDirectionsTransportType { get }
public static var Walking: MKDirectionsTransportType { get }
@available(iOS 9.0, *)
public static var Transit: MKDirectionsTransportType { get } // Only supported for ETA calculations
public static var Any: MKDirectionsTransportType { get }

MapKit - transit type for MKDirectionsRequest() not Working

Directions are not available for transportType .transit unfortunately, only ETA

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django complex model and template

What you did with .all is exactly what I meant -- you had it initially in 2 places, .all() in view and .all in template.

The reason of your 'error' is quite evident - components is the m2m field to Product. This is what your wrote in your code. This components is the set of products, not intermediary model ReceiptComponent.

UPD: simply leave your models as are, and use receiptcomponent_set from the Receipt

Speex encoding in Java

From here

You can find the following snippet:

When I used a different output-file format, specifically the .spx suffix,
the encoding worked, and so did the subsequent decoding. The final decoded
PCM WAV file then played successfully in QuickTime Player.

The original PCM WAV file I started with was "1-welcome.wav" from Sun's
JavaSound demo program. If you installed Developer Tools, it's at:

The encoding command-line:

java -cp jspeex.jar JSpeexEnc -w --verbose 1-welcome.wav welcome.spx

Because it's 11 KHz, you have to encode using '-w' (wideband), or it will
fail with an obscure exception.

The decoding command-line:

java -cp jspeex.jar JSpeexDec --verbose welcome.spx welcome-pcm.wav

You can read the whole page at the link provided for more info.

Hope this solves your problem.

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