Storyboard Reference to Cocoapods Storyboard Seems Broken

Storyboard reference to cocoapods storyboard seems broken

I solved this by changing the bundle identifier on the storyboard reference:

Sample Image

Appearantly the bundle identifier does get taken into consideration by the storyboard reference. It's just that when it is not OK it prints out a really weird non informative exception, like the one in my question above. If your bundle ID is correct it will work!

Also: when cocoapods adds your pod to another project it creates a target of your pod with the bundle identifier "org.cocoapods.your_pod_name_here" instead of your bundle identifier!

Loading a storyboard from a framework

Found the problem. Just silly but after deleting the Main.storyboard from the project, I didn't remove it from the project's settings. Trying to load it as the initial view controller. After changing the settings, UIStoryboard(name:"Main", bundle:NSBundle(forClass:self) just works properly.

Xcode 4 why do I see XML when clicking on MainStoryBoard.storyboard: seems like a bug

To fix the issue, right-click MainStoryboard.storyboard, then choose "Open as >" and then "Interface Builder - iOS Storyboard".

How to restore the main.storyboard after deleting the .xcodeproj and adding it back

  1. Open your Xcode project
  2. Right click on the folder your want to add your Storyboard file to
  3. Click Add files to "your-project-name"...
  4. Browse to your storyboard and add it

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