Mkannotation Not Getting Selected in iOS5

MKAnnotation not getting selected in iOS5

Not sure why it would work before but the animation probably requires the annotation view to be created and ready which is unlikely immediately after adding the annotation.

What you can do is move the selection to the didAddAnnotationViews delegate method which should work on all iOS versions:

- (void)mapView:(MKMapView *)mapView didAddAnnotationViews:(NSArray *)views
for (MKAnnotationView *av in views) {
if ([av.annotation isKindOfClass:[MapAnnotations class]]) {
MapAnnotations *pushpin = (MapAnnotations *)av.annotation;
if (_this_pushpin_is_the_one_to_select) {
[mapView selectAnnotation:av.annotation animated:YES];
break; //or return;

MKPointAnnotation - Default show title and animated?

You named your annotation point not annotation:

 [mapView selectAnnotation:point animated:YES];

It happens to the best of us.

Wanted: How to reliably, consistently select an MKMapView annotation

I ran into the same problem, but found what seems like a reliable and reasonable solution:

  1. Implement the delegate method mapView:didAddAnnotationViews:. When I tried selecting the annotation directly within the delegate method, the callout dropped with the pin! That looked odd, so I add a slight delay of a half-second.

    -(void)mapView:(MKMapView *)mapView didAddAnnotationViews:(NSArray *)views {
    [self performSelector:@selector(selectInitialAnnotation)
    withObject:nil afterDelay:0.5];
  2. Select the initial annotation as you'd expect, but calling selectAnnotation:animated;

    -(void)selectInitialAnnotation {
    [self.mapView selectAnnotation:self.initialAnnotation animated:YES];

It seems that selectAnnotation:animated: is not called under some conditions. Compare with MKMapView docs:

If the specified annotation is not onscreen, and therefore does not
have an associated annotation view, this method has no effect.

Reliably selecting an annotion in MKMapView on start (in both ios 6 and ios 5.1)?

I ended up using perform selector with delay on the actual [map selectAnnotation:annotation animated:YES];
It's a work-around but seems to work nicely.

The rightCalloutAccessory button is not shown

  1. Are you actually going into the condition? Set a breakpoint to check.
  2. Why create a MKPinAnnotationView at the beginning, before you know the type of annotation?
  3. You should dequeue your annotationView instead of alloc/initWithAnnotation:reuseIdentifier
  4. When you reuse your annotations, you should put everything that doesn't change (color, animation, etc) after the alloc init, and not reset them all the time. Otherwise you lose the interest of reusing.

Other than that your code seems fine, and comparing it to mine, I don't see anything obvious. Remark 1 is the most probable. I would set a breakpoint to see if I really go there, see if I can show a leftCalloutAccessoryView instead, use a different pinColor.

EXC_BAD_ACCESS in viewForAnnotation

This line is causing the EXC_BAD_ACCESS:

[mapView selectAnnotation:annotation animated:YES];

You should not try to select an annotation from the viewForAnnotation delegate method itself.

Remove the call to selectAnnotation:animated: from the viewForAnnotation method.

When selectAnnotation:animated: is called, the map view needs to redraw the annotation view and show its callout. Redrawing the view causes viewForAnnotation to be called. Since in that method, the code is calling selectAnnotation:animated: it causes viewForAnnotation to get called again, and so on resulting in the crash after it runs out of memory for the recursion.

If you want to have an annotation's callout show as soon as it's added to the map, do it in the didAddAnnotationViews delegate method instead. See MKAnnotation not getting selected in iOS5 for an example of this. Also note that only one annotation can be selected (show its callout) at a time.

Unrelated to the issue but instead of setting a tag on the accessory views like this:

[[pinView rightCalloutAccessoryView] setTag:1];     // Ver Info
[[pinView leftCalloutAccessoryView] setTag:2]; // Hacer Zoom

in calloutAccessoryControlTapped, you can just directly check if control itself equals the right or left accessory view. See How to connect map annotation view buttons with database to go to another view? for an example.

MKPointAnnotation: title always visible. Is it possible?

MKPointAnnotation *annotationPoint = [[MKPointAnnotation alloc] init];
annotationPoint.coordinate = coord;
annotationPoint.title = currentTitle;
[mapView addAnnotation:annotationPoint];
[mapView selectAnnotation:annotationPoint animated:NO];


- (void)mapView:(MKMapView *)map didAddAnnotationViews:(NSArray *)views{

for (MKAnnotationView *av in views){

if ([av.annotation isKindOfClass:[MKPointAnnotation class]]){
[mapView selectAnnotation:av.annotation animated:NO];



MKAnnotation Custom Callout button general action -- how to know which Annotation it's coming from? (iPhone)

Instead of adding your own handler method using addTarget and then using the selectedAnnotations property to figure out which annotation was tapped, I prefer using the calloutAccessoryControlTapped delegate method.

In that delegate method, the annotation tapped is accessed using view.annotation and if you've defined a custom annotation class with additional properties, you can do a cast to access them using (MyAnnotationClass *)view.annotation.

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