Ld: Library Not Found for -Ldoubleconversion React Native 0.59

ld: library not found for -lRCTAnimation

Can you try to remove all the linked React Native library in Xcode ?

  1. Open Project.xcworkspace file in Xcode
  2. Go to project navigator tab
  3. Go to Build Phases tab
  4. Then under Link Binary With Libraries section: Remove all binaries -libRCT*

With RN 60+ there are now included in the Pods project.

Library not found for -lyoga

To solve this problem I made a script which runs in the Build Phase to create a "yoga.a" file in this path:


React-native/iOS app: Module 'SquareInAppPaymentsSDK' not found, although it has been added to the project

I have faced this type of error in the past. Because some configuration things were missing or broken which leads these type of issues. So my suggestion for you is to create a new react-native project install all the library in the package.json one by one from the NPM or GitHub document of there library. and then copy the code from src (React Code) into the new project. If you have any changes inside the ios and android folder then only copy the changes from the file and paste to the file of the new project android/ios folder. (If nothing works then apply this solution. it always works for me)

React-native wont build after upgrading react-native-firebase from v5 to v6

I would recommend that:

  • Delete the package-lock.json, and do an npm install
  • Considering that these firebase packages have the auto-link feature, perform a pod install previously deleting the Podfile.lock.
  • In the xcode, carry out the Clean Build Folder.
  • Perform the build

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