iOS How to Get a List of Already Purchased Products

Ios how to get a list of already purchased products?

See the Restoring Transactions section of the In-App Purchase guide. Here is what it specifically says:

Store Kit provides built-in functionality to restore transactions for
non-consumable products, auto-renewable subscriptions and free
subscriptions. To restore transactions, your application calls the
payment queue’s restoreCompletedTransactions method. The payment queue
sends a request to the App Store to restore the transctions. In
return, the App Store generates a new restore transaction for each
transaction that was previously completed.

How to get List of Only Purchased Product Ids fron inApp in ios?

You can restore the purchases by using :

[[SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue] restoreCompletedTransactions];

then SKPaymentTransactionObserver will call its

- (void)paymentQueue:(SKPaymentQueue *)queue updatedTransactions:(NSArray *)transactions

with the SKPaymentTransactionStatePurchased transaction state. You can see that it returns an Array for the transactions.

You can get a single transaction using,

for (SKPaymentTransaction * transaction in transactions) {
NSLog(@"Purchased indentifier : %@", transaction.payment.productIdentifier);

This will print out the identifiers that the user have purchased. You can set your NSUserDefaults regarding to these values

How to fetch already purchased details of iOS IAP Auto Renewable product

There is two way to get user purchased transaction details:

  1. Refresh receipt
  2. Restore completed transaction

To know more about difference between refreshing receipt & restore transaction in details, Please check:- SKReceiptRefreshRequest vs restoreCompletedTransactions

In Simply,

  • Refreshing the receipt asks the App Store for the latest copy of the receipt.
  • Restoring completed transactions creates a new transaction for every completed transaction the user made, essentially replaying history for your transaction queue observer.

How I can get that purchased details (atleast original receiptID) as we get in Initial transaction.

Answer: If you want to verify user with original receiptID every time each time than user SKReceiptRefreshRequest for validating user transaction.

Note: Anytime if you validating user with RestoreCompletedTransactions, Your transactionID will change.
Find list of parameter that change while restoreTransaction:

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