Fblikecontrol Callback

FBLikeControl callback


Since Facebook apparently made this header private, you now have to subscribe directly to the notification using a raw string:

[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:myObject selector:@selector(myCallback:) name:@"FBLikeActionControllerDidUpdateNotification"];

Old answer for reference:

For anyone in the future looking for this: I ended up subscribing myself to FBLikeActionControllerDidUpdateNotification notifications. Once the notification is received you can do the following:

if ([notification.object isKindOfClass:[FBLikeActionController class]]) {
if ([(FBLikeActionController*)notification.object objectIsLiked]) {
// do your stuff here, user liked!

FBLikeControl callback


Since Facebook apparently made this header private, you now have to subscribe directly to the notification using a raw string:

[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:myObject selector:@selector(myCallback:) name:@"FBLikeActionControllerDidUpdateNotification"];

Old answer for reference:

For anyone in the future looking for this: I ended up subscribing myself to FBLikeActionControllerDidUpdateNotification notifications. Once the notification is received you can do the following:

if ([notification.object isKindOfClass:[FBLikeActionController class]]) {
if ([(FBLikeActionController*)notification.object objectIsLiked]) {
// do your stuff here, user liked!

FBSDKLikeButton callback in swift facebook SDK v4.21.0

Well, did it by parsing the url in:

func application(_ app: UIApplication, open url: URL, options: [UIApplicationOpenURLOptionsKey : Any] = [:]) -> Bool {



and setting a completion callback in the appdelegate that is set from the view that has the like button and then nillified once consumed

FBSDKLikeControl - How do I know the user liked the page or not?


Can't you just get this permission and check if your page is liked by the user and choose not to show the like control/button ?

So long as you do not do any like gating, you'll be fine (like gating is when you restrict access to the app itself, or some content within the app unless the user likes your page.)

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