iOS Permission Alerts - Removing or Suppressing

iOS permission Alerts - removing or suppressing

Based on the comment by Felipe Sabino above I worked out the following. The permissions file of iOS for Xcode 6 is stored at location: ~/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/<device>/data/Library/TCC/TCC.db. So we modify the db file using sqlite3 on the console.

Used the following Perl script from terminal. This could be done in any language really.

$folderLocations = `xcrun simctl list`; // running "xcrun simctl list" on terminal returns iOS device locations 
$currentUserID = `id -un`; // get current user
chomp($currentUserID); // remove extra white space from user string
print "currentUserID: $currentUserID"; // debug logs

while($folderLocations =~ /iPad Air \((.{8}-.*?)\)/g) { // Use regex to loop through each iPad Air device found in $folderLocations. Insert the permissions in the database of each.
print "folderLocations <1>: $1\n"; // debug logs
`sqlite3 /Users/$currentUserID/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/$1/data/Library/TCC/TCC.db "insert into access values('kTCCServiceAddressBook','', 0, 1, 0, 0)"`;
print "\n"; // neat logs

This one overrides kTCCServiceAddressBook permission, but there is also kTCCServiceCalendar and kTCCServicePhotos.

Removing iOS permission alert for local notifications when running app in simulator

Unfortunately, I don't think in an automation test there is a good way to do this. I know that even resetting the simulator isn't sometimes enough to reset permissions. I would design your tests to not test a system call, but your own application code.

One way to test different functionality based on whether the user allows notifications is to extract the call to check for permissions and then stub this method out in the testing. This method would be the best practice since the goal is not to test if iOS works but if your application code is correct.

Automated test ABAddressBook and ALAssetsLibrary request access

This answer is working, as Awesome-o said: (with some modifications, which I will comment on there)

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