iOS Cordova Long-Press Shows Text-Select Magnifying Glass Even with Text-Selection Disabled, How to Remove

IOs Cordova long-press shows text-select magnifying glass even with text-selection disabled, how to remove?

Thank you for that Automatico! Saved me from a lot more frustration.

Since then however it looks like that code has been merged into mainline cordova and can just be enabled by adding

<preference name="SuppressesLongPressGesture" value="true" /> to config.xml

That worked perfectly for me!

Here is the commit and notes that brought it in

global disable magnifying glass on iOS 9 in meteor cordova app

The plugin Frederik mentioned is now build into cordova see

To enable the fix insert <preference name="SuppressesLongPressGesture" value="true" /> into config.xml

How to disable the magnifying glass in UIWebview?

No, the loupe is inextricably linked to selection. To disable it, you will have to disable selection entirely (you can use -webkit-user-select: none to do that).

PhoneGap build error plugin unsupported: ...

For any of you having the same problem, I found a solution:

What it boils down to:

Go to:
PhoneGap Plugins Page

(I'm using contacts as an example here) and click on the [Old Plugins] tab. Now find your plugin and open its link under the [PBG Plugin ID] column. Use the

<plugin name="org.apache.cordova.contacts" spec="0.2.16" source="pgb" />

as described under [Usage Instructions] and replace source="pgb" with source="npm".

If this fails, make use of "Option 3" on the comments above "Start Using NPM for PhoneGap" artice where you use the [Repository] link under [Other Details] on your PhoneGap Plugin page in your plugin like so:

<plugin spec=“” source=“git” />

I hope this saves a few people a couple of hours!

Ionic/cordova-sms-plugin Open sms app with longer text, Ionic toolbar disappears

For now I have fixed with some css.

sms(phoneNumbers: string[], message: string) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const options = {
android: {
intent: 'INTENT',
}; = '100%'; = '0px';

.send(phoneNumbers, this.parseMessage(message), options)
() => {
() => {
.finally(() => {
setTimeout(() => {
const bodyHeight = document.body.offsetHeight;
const deviceHeight = window.screen.height; = bodyHeight - deviceHeight + 'px'; = deviceHeight + 'px';
}, 500);

Here is the link of reported bug on Ionic Github.

Cordova : what kind of cordova plugins should be removed in release time?

maybe org.apache.cordova.console that is making console.log accessible and is not mandatory for release IMO.

Otherwise, if you add a plugin and don't need it for release, just remove it for debug also ;)

Extra info

Be carefull, you are using deprecated plugins : org.apache.cordova... .
Shall be cordova-plugin-..

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