iOS and Firebasecrashlytics

iOS and FirebaseCrashlytics

After hours of struggling with this problem finally solved it using this approach:

use this command in Terminal: /path/to/pods/directory/FirebaseCrashlytics/upload-symbols -gsp /path/to/GoogleService-Info.plist -p ios /path/to/dSYMs

Important thing is instead of /path/to/pods/directory you should enter the path to your pods folder in your application folder, and instead of /path/to you should enter the path to the GoogleService-Info.plist which is in your project folder too. And the last one is, instead of /path/to/dSYMs you should enter the path to your archive which has the format of .xcarchive.

For finding the .xcarchive path, you should first archive your application, then go to XCode -> Organizer and select your build, then right click on it and select "Show in finder" and then right click on your .xcarchive file and select "Show package contents". This is it, you can copy this path and paste it instead of /path/to/dSYMs and then hit enter to start uploading to Firebase Crashlytics.

Check out this link for more information:
Firebase Docs

What is FirebaseCrashlytics equivalent statement of Fabric recordError:error?

Yes, you can find that documentation here:

iOS/ Objective-C: I installed FireBase Crashlytics on XCode, but the screen in the FireBase backoffice doesn't work

you need to be in the application, at least the first view. (so after application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions for ex

Understanding Firebase Crashlytics report for iOS app

All UI stuff should be performed on main thread, that is what your crash report shows (crash due to main thread.)

So your last line should be :

DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.contactNumberText.text = altenativeMobile

Update this line, your crash will fixed.

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