Phonegap 3.0 iOS Plugins Not Found

Phonegap 3.0 IOS plugins not found

I was using PhoneGap 3.0/3.1 and was removing the local build folder before rebuilding (since I had to copy icons and stuff in a secondary build script). This broke my plugins and produced this same error message.

In the end I found I had to remove ./plugins/ios.json when removing ./platforms/ios to make sure the plugins were rebuilt.

Phonegap 3.0 - plugin not found (iOS)

I managed to get it working by adding the plugins to the config.xml outside the www directory, so the one directly in the root of the project. I guess I mistakenly used the wrong config.xml

Phonegap Plugman iOS - ERROR: Plugin not found

In xcode, I navigated to MyProject/MyProject/Plugins

and found

  • /CDVSplashScreen.h
  • /CDVSplashScreen.m
  • /CDVInAppBrowser.h
  • /CDVInAppBrowser.m

right there in the root. So I chose to delete (only the references), the re-added the SplashScreen folder, which was in the file system.

Now the folder looks like this:

  • /org.apache.cordova.core.splashscreen/CDVSplashScreen.h
  • /org.apache.cordova.core.splashscreen/CDVSplashScreen.m
  • /CDVInAppBrowser.h
  • /CDVInAppBrowser.m

and now SplashScreen works!

iOS unable to find plugins, Android fine

iOS was missing the plugin files themselves (.m and .h files), which must be copied by calling cordova prepare or phonegap prepare. Not very well documented it seems.

Cordova 3.1.0: Plugin not found or is not a CDVPlugin

Ok so it seems you have to add all the plugins you want before you create the built. All the resources files are correctly located then.

Error Creating PhoneGap 3.0.0 Custom iOS Plugin

Ok, I had two problems.

  1. I was using the wrong config.xml. I was playing with the one under the www directory and not the one in the root directory.
  2. The documentation was using both <plugin /> and <feature/> and it turns out that <feature/> is the right thing to use.

    <feature name="Echo">
    <param name="ios-package" value="Echo" />

Somewhere it also says that <plugins /> is deprecated so I didn't put it under that node either and it still works.

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