iOS 5 JSON Parsing Results in Cocoa Error 3840

iOS 5 JSON Parsing Results in Cocoa Error 3840

One thing that strikes me as incorrect is this:

[[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"Locations-JSON" ofType:@"rtf"]

Your data is an RTF file?? It should be a txt file (or any other sort of plain text file). RTF files usually contain text formatting data, like this:

{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;}

\f0\fs24 \cf0 \{"States": [\{"Name": "Arizona","Cities": [\{"Name": "Phoenix"\}]\},\{"Name": "California","Cities": [\{"Name": "Orange County"\},\{"Name": "Riverside"\},\{"Name": "San Diego"\},\{"Name": "San Francisco"\}]\},\{"Name": "Nevada","Cities": [\{"Name": "Las Vegas"\}]\}]\}}

When I read that in as a data and try to parse it as JSON, I get the 3840 error you're seeing. That error's description says:

The data couldn’t be read because it has been corrupted. (No string key for value in object around character 2.)

So what it looks like to me is that you don't actually have JSON. You have RTF data.

error parsing JSON response Cocoa error 3840

Try removing





from your code. It may help you.
I had the same issue with json WCF, though my json object was valid json.
I removed all those 3 from code and it worked. The server was not accepting those.
I dont know why..


Inconsistent JSON Parsing in XCODE (Cocoa error 3840)

Your second JSON has a string, /* School Info */, after the value associated with the "@xmlns:sql" key. I don't know how that got in there (it makes no sense to have a C-style comment in the middle of a JSON), but if you take that out, you should be good.

If you use a tool like, it can help to identify these sorts of issues.

json parsing failed - cocoa error 3840 and invalid value around character 0

Updated answer:

I think now that you have posted the Objective-C code that uses this received JSON, it becomes clear what the actual problem is.

It sounds to me that you are using Core Data (PersonStore) to persist your incoming data.

If you are making Core Data calls from the same thread that connectionDidFinishLoading: is being called on, you are most likely running into a threading issue where Core Data is not happy that you call it from a thread other than the main thread.

Give this a try: in your connectionDidFinishLoading: wrap your code in the following:

dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
// Include the code here that walks over the incoming JSON
// and creates new `Person` instances.

This will execute everything in that block, on the main thread. Which is generally a good idea for Core Data usage. (Probably even required, check the documentation, there is a special section on Core Data & Threads if I remember correctly).

Very curious if this does the trick.

Old answer:

The output of vardump is not actually valid JSON. You need to use the json_encode() function instead.

You can turn the NSData that you received from the server into a string by doing something like this:

if let s = String(data: data, encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding) {

You did not mention if you work in Swift or Objective-C but the above translates easily to Objective-C.

NSJsonSerialzation not parsing results from Facebook - Cocoa error 3840

Actually reading documentation could have helped here.

 @param result          The result of the request.  This is a translation of
JSON data to `NSDictionary` and `NSArray` objects. This
is nil if there was an error.

It parses everything itself, I don't even need to do that. So it returns valid NSDictionary or NSArray.

AFNetworking error :The operation couldn’t be completed. (Cocoa error 3840.)

Cocoa error 3840 is a JSON parsing error (if you search on Stack Overflow for it you'll come across this existing question about).

I suggest you run your output JSON from your web service through a JSON validator to check that it is actually compliant with the spec.

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