Why am I Getting Ibtool Failed with Exit Code 255

Why am I getting ibtool failed with exit code 255?

I had something similar happen to me recently using Xcode 4.6 and iOS 6.1.

All I did was switch to a different device version (5.1) on the simulator and it ran. Switched back to 6.1 and it fixed itself.

Xcode can be unhelpful at times.

ibtool failed with exit code 255 when i use UIDatePicker

Re installing Xcode solved my problem :)

  1. Drag Xcode to trash from Launchpad
  2. Go to the app store and install it again.

/Applications/Xcode-beta.app/Contents/Developer/usr/bin/ibtool failed with exit code 255, Interface Builder

Already this question is in stack overflow.
Try this

(xcode 5) ibtool failed with exit code 255

In my case, I also have a TableView as the root controller, and this happened to me when I changed the type content of the TableView from Dynamic to Static while having existing prototype cells on it.
Switching back from Static to Dynamic Prototypes fixed the compilation problem.
It looks like XCode doesn't handle well this shocking changes in the Storyboard.
Avoid this changes once you have Prototype cells on your TableViews.

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