How to Request Photo Gallery Permissions in iOS a Second Time

How can you request photo gallery permissions in iOS a second time

Run the Settings app. Go to General, then Reset. Tap on Reset Location & Privacy. This will reset all of your location and privacy settings, not just for your test app. But you are doing this on a development device so that should be OK. This works in the Simulator too.

iOS photo permissions to ask for second time

That dialog isn't controlled by the app, so no API for that.

You can reset things as a user in the settings app (IIRC) but no programmatic way.

To get the current authorization status:

[ALAssetsLibrary authorizationStatus];

(+ (ALAuthorizationStatus)authorizationStatus)

Also, methods to get assets taking access error blocks, e.g.:

- (void)assetForURL:(NSURL *)assetURL

Possible to request permissions at the same time?

While it seems like Camera and Photos should be lumped together as one permission, their both using two different frameworks (AVCaptureDevice and PHPhotoLibrary) so there are two separate authorization requirements, (even if you are using the UIImagePickerController).

I would offer that you try to take that opportunity to make it more of an experience for requesting authorization and explaining to your user why its necessary.

There are numerous articles (here's one), and some designers at work, at least my work, who will rave about how you get a better acceptance rate when you take some time to explain to the user why access is needed.

Also the Apple Human Interface Guidelines has a page on Accessing User Data and how you should handle it

Make sure users understand why they’re being asked to share their personal data. It’s natural for people to be suspicious of a request for their personal information if they don’t see an obvious need for it. To avoid making users uncomfortable, make sure the alert appears only when they attempt to use a feature that clearly needs to know their information. For example, people can use Maps when Location Services is off, but they see an alert when they access the feature that finds and tracks their current location.

Describe why your app needs the information, if it’s not obvious. You
can provide text that appears in the alert, below a system-provided
title such as ““App Name” Would Like to Access Your Contacts” or for
location notifications, “Allow “App Name” to Use Your Location While
You Use the App?”. You want this text to be specific and polite so
that people understand why you’re asking for access to their
information and don’t feel pressured.

Swift Ask for user’s permission to access the photo library

i just add the key NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription in Project/info/Custom IOS Target Properties . instead of info.plist and now it's working fine

Request Permission for Camera and Library in iOS 10 - Info.plist

You have to add the below permission in Info.plist. More Referance

Camera :

Key       :  Privacy - Camera Usage Description   
Value : $(PRODUCT_NAME) camera use

Photo :

Key       :  Privacy - Photo Library Usage Description    
Value : $(PRODUCT_NAME) photo use

How to ask permission from user for second time to allow to access the current location?

I think you can turn on Location Services from device Settings -> Location Services tab.. See the image below

Sample Image

When location services is off for an app, the location manager will fire error with error code kCLErrorDenied then you can show an alert to user to Turn On location services from settings..

Or, you can use the following code too

if (![CLLocationManager locationServicesEnabled])

Swift how to show alert to request permission for photo library?

If the status be on . notDetermined, so the app automatically shows the alert to the user, but if the status was on .restricted or denied you cannot do anything to ask user again for the access to the photos like the original one, but you can make a custom alert and ask user to give you access to the photos and if user accepted your request, lead the user to the setting and ask him to enable your access manually!

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